Chapter 3 (One Shot)

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(Gon's POV)

Days pass after Killua and I arrive on Whale Island. Mito-san greets the both of us with happiness and joyful tears. Everyday it's food, adventure, sleep, food, adventure, and sleep. On the third day, we come home after running around the island many times, physically exhausted and dirty, but mentally still ready for more.

"Gon! Killua! Pleaseee go wash up. Dinner will be ready soon!" Mito-san shouts at us while cooking.

"Hai (ok)!" We sing in a chorus, laughing all the way to the bathroom. Once we gather clothing and towels, we dash to the bathroom.

"Race you there Killua!" I challenge him. "Last one there has to do 100 push ups!"

"Oh you're on! No way am I losing!" We race and run as fast as we can. Although, Killua beats me. "HA! I win~ I win~ I win~" Killua dances around in circles celebrating his victory.

"Aw man!" I pout.

Killua laughs a little. "It's fine Gon, let's take a bubble bath first!" We fill the tub with soap and watch the bubbles form at the surface. Then, we jump in one at a time.

After 30 minutes of soaking and washing, we get up, all warm wrapped up in towels. Mito-san calls us again.

"Killua! Gon! Isoge (hurry up)!"

I start to reply. "Okayyy! We're comin- OOF!" Killua crash lands on top of me. He pins my hands above my head and gives me a devilish smirk. "Chotto matte yo (hey, hold up)!" I whine just a little. "We haven't done something like this in weeks. Why now?"

"Two reasons." Killua states. "One: consequences for losing that race. Two: you look ridiculously attractive right now with that towel around your waist." He pushes me against the door and squeezes his right knee in between my tightly closed legs. Killua sucks on my collarbone, which catches me off guard and unfortunately, my legs give way and open up. The minute that happens, he raises his knee and nudges my groin torturously.

"Ohhhh," I groan and moan loudly, purring at how aroused my body currently feels. He moves along to my nipples. Licking and sucking them, they grow hard just like my dick underneath the now damp towel. "Ah! Ahh~~"

Suddenly, I'm aware of the footsteps coming up the stairs and towards the bathroom. Mito-san!

"Are you guys ok?" She yells from the top of the stairs. "I heard thumping and bumping." I panic, but Killua keeps a cool, collected expression. I quickly shift my weight on the back of the door while maintaining my senses and feeling the immense pleasure coming from my erection. Mito-san knocks on the door.

"M-MITO-SAN! UM, W-WE'RE FINE. JUST GO BACK DOWN." Unintentionally, I am yelling.

"Gon, why are you yelling?" I gulp, realizing my mistake.

"G-Gomen! But we're just fine, we'll be down in- nngh! Ahh!" My towel drops and Killua pulls me down so that I'm sitting on the floor. He takes in my length and bobs his head at a slow, irritating pace. I want more.

"Gon! Are you sure? I'm worried."

"5 minutes! We'll be down in 5 minutes!" I quickly finish my sentence before Killua can do anything else. His tongue swirls around the tip of my cock. I begin feeling the need to cum. I thank god when I hear Mito-san's presence leave, telling me that she has gone back downstairs. Killua then hums lightly. The vibrations make me buck my hips. The humming gets stronger and stronger. I can't hold it back anymore and I let it out.

"Killua!" I cry out for him as my fluids spill out inside his mouth. He swallows all of it, leaving no evidence behind. At last, he removes his mouth and licks his lips. Smiling, he finally speaks up.

"You're welcome," he says while grinning. Exasperated, I gape at him. But I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh Killua. You're crazy..." He pulls me closer to cuddle me on his arms for a few minutes. "Thank you though." I tell him. "I needed that." After relaxing, we dress up and head to the dining room to apologize to Mito-san. As we eat, we occasionally look up at each other and as if it were a language, we giggled.

Finally, Killua and I had enough fun and got serious about finding Ging. Off we go, in a new direction, to locate my father. I hope I find him, soon...

The end. :)

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