chapter 5

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  She woke up by the sound of her bed side alarm, she pulled the duvet off her and walk to the bathroom.

She came out, walked towards her praying area and picked up her hijab and started praying. Once done she folded it and walk toward her bed to recheck the time, it has been just 15 mins since she woke up from sleep.


Asmau's POV

I walk towards the window " the freshness of the blowing wind blows in a horizontal wave which cause a shiver all over my exposed skin" mother nature as they call it.

I watch as a bird goes out of it's nest, leaving the young one's behind. I felt some sour of emotion at that moment but decide to keep my best mood. The view of the house garden or should I say "my garden" as everyone calls it. Since the queen doesn't take responsibility the princess take over.

Checking the time once more, not bad I exclaimed. 45mins to 7 which means I've been watching the garden for like 30 mins. What?? " time wait for no man" I unanimated personificate to myself.

I walk to the bathroom, took a shower. Once done I went into my walking closet picked my school uniform and went back to my room.
Putting on my uniform, I picked all my necessities needs. Again I checked the time and it was almost seven, so i  picked up my bag pack and walked out of the room.

Being the only female maiden in the house which she has already coped with does not help at times. She felt so very forsaken by her own mother.

I leap down the stairs, as usual the dining room was vacant. When it comes to school and some responsible activities I guide all my brothers. Even though am not the oldest.

I generously walk back to the stairs to check on them by starting with Anwar. Good Morning ya Iman (what he likes calling me with). Morning Anwar, how are you? I asked. Am fine he answered smiling mischievously. Good, need any help I asked hopefully he will say No. Yes, please can you help me to search for my belt. I can't find it he ushered. You have more than one, just pick  from those available once I comment.

I was looking for it since and you came to my rescue. It will be more than enough for you to just flash me a smile showing me my exact property Ya Iman.

Anxiously I started helping him search for it because I used it on Friday For one of my TikTok video. I  was bewildered at the sign before me. Anwar was basy using his phone. I wrathly alter my mind off on not to apprehend his phone for the mean time. So I approved his confidence on how deteriorated he is than I ever thought.

I was vary flabbergasted by this unwise brat. You should just forget about him and walkout my subconscious told me. slothfully I turn towards the door. Like seriously, Anwar Bindawa just because I'm large hearted that does not give you the odesity to consciously mislead my kindness. I spoke while I was standing by the door, getting a good view of the room. And you so call belt you claim to be searching for is right under your ottoman. Thanks Ya Iman that's why the love I have for you makes me forget how hostile you he muttered smiling.

Did I just Heard hostile I spattered asked. Only the illiterate can alleviate to such a fictitious word about Asmau Bindawa. Okay, my apologies to the great Bindawa in all decay he ushered. I give you just a few minutes to be down stairs, I said walking out of his room to check on Imad and ya Fawwaz and thank God they were all out of their rooms.

We headed down the stairs together and we met Anwar already waiting. He never does that not even in my wildest dream. How unsual Anwar, is there any confidential On this unoccasion day Imad asked getting inside the car. No am just trying to figure how to keep coping with the nice us you know he said given me that you get what am saying look.

And that's my family for you, we are cool but not that patience with each other. Especially when it comes to I don't wait for No man, an attitude we develop on ourselves only.

Come on everyone get inside the car. I seriously comanded indicating to all of them. See who is talking in a disrespectful tone Ya Fawwaz ushered  and next time check the indications in your statements before voicing it out baby sis he added smiling. Sorry slip of the tongue, I implore and he just smile and advice me not to be the Bossy Bitch Imad like calling me with.

I could hear Anwar and Imad laughing because Ya Fawwaz just called me a Bossy Bitch though it was an advice I felt it hard. We entered the car and Mallam Aliyu drove us to school. There was some takeaway package kept inside the car. Baaba is the only person that can do such. I like this woman like crazy. She has been with us for so long, since Yaya was just two and that was when mother was pregnant with I and Imad.

I delightful picked up mind and kept it in my bag pack. Yaya pasted me his to add with mine.

We arrived at the school around seven thirty. Immediately the car stopped Anwar started complaining about how early we were and I wonder which of the teacher he had problem with. Now I see the reason why he was waiting for us earlier today. I caught you Anwar I muttered folding my arms onto my chest. And that points out on how alert you are I guess he responded in a childlish tone. Whatever I boredly said.

We make our way towards the school gate. The security men check on each one of us before we entered the school gate. Upon all the checking we still bring our phones to school. Especially on Wednesdays to use during Homeroom class.

I walk to our sitting spot before classes begins and on my way there I met Farouk and his friends. I ignored him and waved at his friends while Yaya walks to the spot they where.

I spotted the girls, I mean my gurls and I walk to where they were sitting.
They all give me a bone crushing hug before we started using the little time left on today's schedules.

Sorry for the extreme late update.
I was completely out on it when I check on the last update.
My apologies to you all.

And please don't forget to
And share
To your love one

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