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"Doctor Spencer Reid, I would like to start this off by saying I am fully aware that you're going to win this chess match."

he responded to my words with a chuckle

"Shall we begin?"

i gave him a smirk in response and we began playing
must i say, he is outstanding at chess.
but our game was ended abruptly by Hotch;

"We're landing."

he announced

"Continue later?"

i asked Spencer
he gave me a big grin and i returned one back to him
i couldn't help but think of how his eyes lit up when he talked about random facts.
as much as i hate to admit it, i truly find him amazing.
the most i know about him is the information on his basic files

my 'admiration' for him is just me being a hopeless romantic.

a hopeless romantic who has some sort of obsession with the number three.

what the hell is my life.

speaking of how little i know about him, i should really get to know him better.
he's my co-worker, after all.

since the plane had just about landed, i decided that i'd talk to him during lunch or something.

Hotch stood up

"Reid and Vivienne head to the F.P, I want Prentiss, Morgan and Rossi to go to the crime scene. Dave I need you to get information from the families."

Immediately after we exited the plane, me and Spencer drove to the forensic pathologist's office.

"Why don't you go by your title as 'Doctor'?"

he asked me. i was grateful he initiated contact

"I guess I don't wanna ask for too much. I'm already a new member, and I'd rather just be here, rather than be noticed if that makes sense."

"That makes sense. Since it's going to take around 20 minutes and 17 seconds with minor traffic to get there, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Oh, okay. I'm 24 years old. I like the color lavender. My favorite season is either fall or winter. And my dream college was oxford, though i wasn't able to afford it, unfortunately . Is that good?"

he gave a small chuckle at my response

"Yeah; it's enough. I'm 26 years old, my favorite color is either green or a deep grayish indigo. I'm from Las Vegas, and I have an IQ of 187. I'm also not very good with social interactions, but i'm working on that."

he chuckled again after saying the last sentence
the rest of the car ride consisted of him saying random facts, and over explaining nearly everything.
i didn't mind, though.

the F.P lifted the cover on top of the body.

"Rope burns on the wrists and faded ones on the ankles. Bruising on the collar bone, must've been missing for a while. Any signs of sexual assault?"

i asked

"Absolutely none, but there was a very large chunk of hair missing from the back of the head on each victim."

the F.P said. her name tag read 'Cindy.'

"I noticed."

Spencer looked at me with a confused expression

"How in the world did you notice that, you've looked at the body no more that 47 seconds and you didn't even see the back of the head?"

"Not important right now. Is toxicology back?"

After the F.P said no, me and Spencer spend roughly 29 more minutes there before thanking her and walking back out to the car.

"Wanna explain how you knew that?"

Reid asked while getting into the front seat

"The hair thinned towards the back of the head, Doctor Reid. Also, you just had to look to see the burns and bruising."

"Charlotte Vivienne; I must say, you are in fact very impressing."

i chuckled and gave him a grin.

"Thank you, kind sir."

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