me and Reid continued our conversation.

"Erm- I have a question. It's okay if you don't want to answer I'm just solely curious-"

"Ask away, Spencer Reid."

i answered, slightly concerned on how nervous he was to ask the question.

"Well it's actually a rhetorical question-i'm just gonna get to the point."

he paused


as soon as the word escaped his mouth, i tapped my foot lightly against the car and played the familiar pattern with my fingers.

"Charlotte ever since you tapped your foot at the round table i've been searching my mind for explanations and it could be-"

"Spencer stop. I'm not an unsub and i do not want you to look at psychological reasoning for things i do. i just do them. i'm not mentally ill and my brain and nervous system isn't impaired."

our light-hearted conversation had just become tense.

"You're right. Sorry."

the car stopped as i came to the realization that we had arrived at the police station. Spencer opened his car door and I did the same before walking into the station.

"Find anything?"

Emily asked.

"Toxicology isn't back yet. The victims were restrained and had bruising around the collarbone. they also all had a chunk of hair removed around 3 inches from the middle of the ear. I would say the hair was shaved and then then plucked. the rope burns were faded on the ankles and more noticeable on the wrists. the unsub is most likely a woman- the shaved area was around the size of the lid of a Bath And Body Works candle."

i stated before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

Spencer asked

"I'm famished- going to a diner. i'll be back soon."

Though i was going to a diner, it was only because it was two buildings down from the station.
I also wasn't hungry- I needed to use to restroom and get some fresh air. The bathroom at the station was under service and every room smelled like old carpet.
Once i was inside of the diner i made my way to the single bathroom and stared at myself for a few minutes before locking the door. something seemed off, but i couldn't place it.

The mirror could very easily be walked through by most people.
Maybe it's a two way mirror? It's dramatic, but it would make sense.
I placed my finger against the mirror and realized that the reflection of my finger touched.
i ran out of the restroom and called Spencer.
He was the only contact from the team I had, since he gave me his number in case of emergencies.

"..Bitch! Hello this is Doctor Spencer Reid and I actually can come to the phone right now with a very important message for your mother-"


"Who is this?"

"Spencer it's Charlotte. The mirror at the diner bathroom is a two-way.  I need you to give the phone to Hotch, I'm on my way back to the station."

"Oh-Erm okay."

i heard the phone shift

"Aaron Hotchner."

"Hotch it's Vivienne  . The bathroom at the diner has a two-way mirror. I need you to send you a few officers to clear the building. I'm gonna stay here, put me on speaker."

"Vivienne you're on speaker-phone."

"The mirror could be how the unsub targets her victims. It would have to be an employee or a regular. i'm not sure what's on the other side of the mirror so it could be anything. Be prepared. All i need is for somebody to get the mirror unhinged and i'll go inside. Hope you're on your way. See you soon"

i said before hanging up.

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