Jack gilinsky imagine

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"Ok guys I know this is wired but I have to tell you.... Of course ask something.."
I stand in front of four of my best friends that they lay on the coach
It's really hard for me cause I have to say something and ask them to do me a favor that almost is wired and some how impossible
" you want sex?" Sammy ask this and make all of them laugh
" if she wants that she asks of me not you" Johnson told this to Sammy with smirk
I just look them worry because they don't understand how much my problem is important
"Ok guys let her speak, y/n please continue ", Nate says as he look at me seriously, he's always serious
"Hmm yeah, this is so wired but I need a ... A Husband immediately " I breathe deep and stare at them that are shocked, Johnson stands up and says" are you serious?"
"Wow wow y/n I never guess you gonna ask some things like this" Sammy told and start laughing
"I know but , I want to adopt a child, he's my everything and he hurt so much, I want to make a family for him and yeah"
I sit on the couch and stare at floor
"I'm volunteering " Jack yell, I look at shocked,
" come on bro , you know what it's means? How you two wanna make a family? You're not even in love" Johnson gets serious and start a speech, but he wasn't right, I have some feelings about Jack but I'm not sure about him, I stare at him and wait for answer but he got silence
" look y/n , do you ever think that your done , hurts that little boy more?" Nate takes my hand while he speaks
I take my hand out " I don't think so , all he needs is love and a warm home, happiness and some comfort "
Jack stand next to me " I think she's right" I I thank him by a smile
" C'mon guys , what about yourselves? You'll get tired , you gonna spends your whole life without love?" Nate says try to finish this conversation by turning the tv on
I grab my bag and walk off the house , Jack grabs my arm and I turn toward him
" y/n , I wanna tell you something as hard as the things you told"
I look at him and wait
" there's a long time I want to say this to you but now is the best time because if I don't rush I'll miss you"
By this sentence I guess what he wants to say and the thought of it, makes my heart beats fast
"I love you, but I ..." I won't let him complete his sentence and kiss him, after we kissed he look me sad
"What?" I asked him and wonder why he's sad, " this kiss, it's because that kid?"
I laugh and look at him that's confused
" it's not true, I know you'll think that I'm not honest but I swear I really love you, since I met you, I swear Jack"
Then he smirk and start laughing
We kiss again and make ourselves for a new family

New family, Jack gilinsky imagineWhere stories live. Discover now