Someone's Watching~

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((( WARNING!! There is extreme violence and abuse throughout this story. Nothing is how it seems....)))

You had just gotten into your apartment, after a long day at your job. You are a very smart woman who developed her own line of makeup starting from the age of 10. Your parents never supported you, and as far as you know your only real family is April O'Neil and her father. Well not biologically, April has helped you through a lot since you graduated high school so she considers you family. But... as for the rest of your family... there not very nice people... your mother died in a fire and your half sister Karai is just a complete fucking asshole to you. Your step father Shredder couldn't except that his blood related daughter wouldn't help with his revenge on Splinter and the turtles so... he replaced you with Karai. You may not want to be in the foot clan or be one of your fathers henchmen but, you sure as hell can protect yourself.

You placed your keys on a ring by the door and went over and changed into jeans, sneakers, a t- shirt, and a grey hoodie. You looked around your empty apartment and sighed. You didn't have a fancy big house because you made sure you always had extra money on hand in case emergencies but, no one knows where it is except you. You stopped trusting banks and other people with secrets after you family has betrayed you multiple times. You locked the doors and windows to your apartment and grabbed your skate board, you went onto the balcony of your apartments shutting the door behind you. You climbed down the rope ladder you had on the side of your balcony in case any of your friends wanted to come in. You live in a gated community mostly with old people and young kids, which is very hard to find in New York. You lifted the manhole cover and went down the ladder putting your skateboard at the bottom on the shallow walkway by the nasty sewer water. You climbed back up and put the manhole cover where it once was then went back down and hoped onto your skate board.

You pushed off the ground and glided on your board to the turtles lair, you picked your board up and went in reluctantly no one was there.  You walked around the lair until someone covered your mouth with a cloth and pulled you back. You fought vigorously to get out of their grip but, it was no use. The cloth had some chemical on it which you inhaled and caused you to pass out.

~ 1 hour later~

You woke up in a padded room in the same clothes from before. Then there was a table filled with stuff you couldn't see, " What the hell?!" " So your finally awake princess~?" You looked up to see Raph in front of you, " Raph what the hell?! Is this some kind of prank?? Cuz it's not funny at all!!" " You know y/n you've always stood in my way.... constantly. It's infuriating how much Amber loves you" " Amber? What does she have to do with this?!?" " She's my Love y/n and I will make her mine. That crush she has on you though is such a problem for me it's driving me insane." His eyes full of crazy just bulging,  red and irritated too. "Raphael I'm just her friend that's all!! She's been my best friend for forever!! Even if she does like me I don't like her back!!" " I DON'T CARE" he hurled one of his sai's right past your head only barely missing. " With you out of my way I have a chance with her an actual chance!! I WILL WIN HER HEART IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!!!" You had tears streaming down your cheeks, " RAPH PLEASE! Please let me go!!" " Sure I'll let you go... to an early death" he laughed maniacally. He walked closer to you pulling the small table with him and you finally saw what was on it. Weapons many and different kinds. Knives, sai's, swords and more. " Now listen here your gonna help me..... the more you help me the harder I restrain myself from cutting up your puny little body" " O- okay.." you were normally so tough,  usually it would be so hard to scare you. This... this was scary...Raph had been your friend...or so you thought for the longest time... now he was threatening to kill you. " Why does Amber like you?" He had to ask the one of the many questions you couldn't answer, " I- don't- how should I know?!" " EH! Wrong!" He took a knife and lowered to your leg letting it rest there.  " I'll give you one more chance...why does Amber like you?" " I don't know!!" You yelped as your voice cracked, " Awe you poor scared waste of space, I'll make this extra slow..."

   He had the tip of the knife pressing into your jeans into your thigh. Before you could even scream or cry he brought it down hard are your thigh leaving a huge gash. " A- AHH HAHAHA.... S- STOP PLEASE RAPHAEL P- PLEASE" your cries rang loud throughout the room  but, not as loud as the slamming made from you hooping up and down in the chair. Trying to escape itchy ropes, " Answer the question y/n... or your jeans won't be the only thing ripped with holes in them." " I- I WAS HER FIRST KISS!!!" Completely lying but, trying to keep that blade off of your body. " NO FUCKING WAY!?" " Y- YEA...when we were younger we had to while playing 7 minutes in heaven... it g- got pretty heated.." " NO YOU DID NOT!!" He growled as his eyes only became more enflamed with that horrendous dark red color. " I SWARE THATS WHAT IT IS!!" " LIAR!!" You don't know whether he knew it was a lie or he was just upset.  " ITS TRUE!!" You yelled at him with your voice cracking very noticeable.  He  wound up and brought the knife down hard making a deep gash across your chest. Slicing your shirt and flesh, the blood trickled down destroying your grey hoodie. " GAHHHHH HAHA AHAH" your cries and wails got louder and louder and the puddle of tears on the floor bigger as it spread. The pain in your chest throbbing like mad only covered for the severe thigh pain. Though with cuts in only two places your whole body throbbed and ached.  " IM TELLING THE TRUTH!!" You wailed as your head rolled around on your soldiers. " STOP LYING TO ME Y/N YOU'LL ONLY CAUSE YOURSELF MORE PAIN!!" " IM NOT LYING!!" He rose his arm and brought it down hard slashing a deep gash into your other thigh.  " FUCKKK  AHHHHH HAHAHAHA"  you screamed loudly but your voice started to weaken. The sobs and cries making it hard to speak as you tried to reason with the turtle. " P- please Ra- Ra- R- Ra Raph... I know your... in—- the—.." Your vision got blurry and you passed of from so much blood loss that quickly. Raph didn't care though, that's just when he got to go to work.  He cut your hoodie and t- shirt open, into pieces and took it off throwing it to the corner. He started cutting up every inch of the top half of your body. Starting at your collar bone then down to your breasts, though only above where your bra started. He was on a mission to hurt you terribly but, not dishonor his soon to be girlfriend.  Though he had no malicious intent besides cutting you up to bleed you dry.

~~ Raph's pov~~
He left after the pile of blood the floor seemed big enough to him. " It's time to see Amber..." he smiled sinfully as he made his way to Amber's house, he looked around for some small rocks. He started tossing them at her window, then to his surprise a guy opened it. He had no shirt on to identify to him be was definitely a teenager. " GET OUTTA HERE KID AMBER IS BUSY WITH ME!!" He yelled which only enraged Raph, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO LEAVE?!" " AMBERS BF THATS WHO!! NOW LEAVE CREEP" Raph assumed the darkness of the night hid him from the eyes of this kid but, he didn't care he just wanted Amber. Amber came to the window, " whose there?" " It's me Raphael! Come on baby I know you want to come home with me!" " RAPH?! GET OUT OF HERE!! I don't think of you like that! Plus your secret!!" " What secret??" The teen chimed in in an angry tone, " BUTT OUT UGLY!! Come on Amber I love you!!! I know you love me too!!" " I DON'T LOVE YOU RAPHAEL!! YOUR DELUSIONAL!! GO AWAY!!!" " NO—.." "LEAVE YOU CREEP!! DON'T EVEN BITHER MY GIRL AGAIN!?!!" Just before he was about to shut the window Raph hurled his sai through the opening right through his skull. He heard the thump through the slammed windowsill. Through his gritted teeth he let out a chuckle. Though he may not have Amber's affection yet he will have it...or he'll die trying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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