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Hero's POV

After hearing what all the guys were saying about Pidge, I just had to pick her for my team. I feel like I need to keep an eye on her-not that she can't handle herself.. it's just I don't know... like a feeling of looking out for her. The death glare I get from her as she walks over to my team is almost comical.

"You can wipe that smug grin you have off of you're face... I won't be in this class tomorrow.." She mumbles to me.

"Oh come on.. it'll be fun- like old times.." I tell her.

"Right. Like old times" She rolls her eyes.

As we finish picking teams, the bell rings ending first period. I'd say it was a very good first class to start my senior year off right. As I take out my crumbled schedule again, I see I have Chemistry with Mrs. Dorran. She's the toughest science teacher at this school. Great. Oh well, I'm sure I can find a smart classmate to cheat off of. Everyone loves helping out the star hockey player. Especially me, not to brag. As I open my locker, I see Karassa storm up to me pissed off.

"Hero. Want to explain to me the rumor I just heard?" She says as she slams my locker shut.

"Kar, seriously it's not even second period. What is your problem?" I ask annoyed already.

"MY Problem? Puh-lease. If you don't see what you have in front of you, and you'd rather dick around with Josephine, then FINE by me" She says as she flips her hair and turns on her heels.

Oh hell. What is the rumor? Because if Kar is already pissed... Pidge is in for a lot of snickering towards her.

As I look for Pidge in the senior locker bay, I spot Cameron and Adam chattin by the stairs.

"Dude? What the fuck is the rumor running around already?" I ask both guys.

"Ahhh Dude, I guess one of Karassa's friends saw you drop off Jo a few blocks from school, then you chose her first for Team Sports. She totally thinks you're dicking around on her. She's pissed dude" Cameron explains while chuckling.

"So not funny, Man. Just when I think things are good..." I trail off, just as the second period bell rings. "Fuck, and now I'm late" I bolt to Chem class and slide in just as Mrs Dorran is shutting the door.

"Nice of you to join us Hero. Take a seat and a tardy" She smirks.

As I sit down in the only open seat, in the front row, I quick glance around the room to see my options for my potential cheat nerd. Shit. Glaring straight back at me is no other than, Pidge, and she is not smiling. Not one bit.

Mrs. Dorran goes over the class outline and how we won't graduate if we don't pass this required Chem class.. blah.. blah.. blah. When she finally finishes her lecture, she grabs a clipboard and makes an announcement we all are waiting to hear.

"So here is the list of Chemistry partners for second period. Two to a table, and no switching partners. I will know if you do, I'm not an idiot" She explains.

After she pins the clipboard up on the board, she steps aside and waits for all of us to read our table number and go find the table and our chem partner for the semester.

It says I'm table 5. Okay, 5 seems like a good number. As I make my way over to table 5, I see Pidge setting her stuff down at table 5 as well.

"This has got to be a joke.." She whines.

"Table 5 correct?" I ask hoping I'll get the chance to talk to her now about the rumor floating around already.

"Yep. And Don't think for one second you're going to cheat off of me..." She smirks.

"I wouldn't dare.. hey by the way, did you hear.." But she stops me midsentence.

"Yes and I'm not concerned about what Barbie thinks... I just don't want any trouble. You think after two years of dating she would chill the fuck out, but obviously she's a bit uptight" She explains with an eyeroll.

"Yeah.. I just wanted to say I'm sorry you got dragged into this.." I trail off.

"I guess what's done is done. I knew getting a ride from you would only cause grief" She mumbles, as Mrs Dorran continues her lecture on lab rules.

We don't get to chat anymore during chem. When the bell rings, I'm off to lunch. Thank God because I'm starved. As I see the guys at our usual spot, I am thankful Kar doesn't share the same lunch wave as me. That would make things so much more tense.

As I grab my tray of sloppy joe's, my all time favorite school lunch, I head to my table. I spot Pidge in line at the salad bar talking to my good buddy Matt. We aren't super close like Cameron and I are, but something bugs me about the way he touches her arm and makes her laugh. Pidge has always been kind of a Smarty and out of our radar (not to be rude) but flat chests, brains, and glasses and braces aren't really hockey players types. But since she lost all those things, she is apparently on Everybody's radar.. and for some reason that just doesn't sit well with me.

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