The Kiss

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Jo's POV

As expected, today is chilly and rainy. As I finish getting dressed, just my nike leggings and nike sweatshirt, I check myself once more in the mirror. For being a rainy day, I still want to bring my A game to school. It is senior year and all...
I grab a cereal bar and water, and slip on my shoes, when I get a text from Matt.

Matt: Srry can't hang l8r.

Oh. That's odd. He seemed into it yesterday. Oh well, more time for homework I guess. As I yell goodbye to my Mom, I head over to Hero's car, just as he comes out his front door.

"Hey Pidge" He smiles, as he throws his bag in the backseat.

"Hey. Thanks for the ride again. I've almost got enough saved for my own car" I exclaim.

"Sweet, what kind you thinkin?" He asks as we pull out of the driveway.

"Something used and cheap" I laugh.

"I'd love to go with you when you pick it out.. I mean.. if that's ok?... just to make sure the salesman isn't scamming you" He asks nervously glancing at me.

"Oh. Umm sure. Thanks" I shyly smile back. Why is he so nervous around me today? I know I was kind of a bitch yesterday during our first car ride, but geez I'm not going to bite him.

When we pull into the school parking lot, I can already see people staring at us and whispering. I am totally dreading the walk into school already and it's only the second day.

"Don't worry about them" Hero says as he glances my way.

"How could you tell I was worried.." I mumble.

"Because I know you.. and if Karassa says anything to you or causes grief today, tell me.. I mean it Pidge" He says as he slams his car door.

"Gee Thanks Pal, but I think I can handle myself" I joke, and playfully push him as we walk towards the school.

"Whatever you say Pidge. See ya in Team Sports" Hero says as he veers of towards Cameron.

Yay. Team Sports -day 2. Thankfully I did bring my workout gym clothes and my nikes. No gladiator sandals today. I just hope I can get through an entire semester of this class.
As I get to my locker, Claire is literally next to me in a matter of 4 seconds.

"Heyyyy.. so you blew me off last night." She says with a sad face.

"Sorry, I was exhausted after Hero's house, I went straight to bed" I explain.

"Oh. What made you so exhausted at Hero's?!" She grins a mischievous grin.

"Oh my god. No. Not what I meant -you dork" I laugh.

"Awww. I just know it's going to happen one day. It's the perfect high school love story. Honestly- it's the Taylor Swift music video You Belong with Me..." She giggles.

"Well... I think you've officially lost your marbles, Claire. Hero and I are going to always just be friends... nothing else. I mean for pete's sake, we weren't even really talking before yesterday morning.." I explain, as I spot Matt coming towards me.

"Hey Josephine" Matt says as he leans aganist my locker, as Claire takes the quo to move along.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask him.

"Honestly a bit bummed. I thought we really vibed yesterday, but your boy Hero said you guys are kind of a thing now.. so....yeah..." He explains.

"WHAT?" I shriek louder than I meant to. "Dammit Hero! he has some major explaining to do" I mumble as I slam my locker and head to the locker room to change for first period.

Hero's POV
He told Pidge as soon as he got the chance. Cameron tried to warn me, but by the time I was able to get to the locker bay, she was no where to be seen. Man, am I in for it. She's got to be pissed right now. As I throw my bag into my locker, I avoid Karassa's direction, and take the back hallway to the locker rooms. There's fifteen minutes before first bell. I think I can honestly explain myself in that amount of time. I just need to get to Pidge. As I contemplate how much trouble I'd actually get in, if I go into the girl's locker room, I say Fuck it, and decide to just do it.

"Pidge? Are you in here?" I say as I timidly announce that I'm coming in.

No answer. Dammit. As I jog quickly through the lock rows, the last row is where I find her. She has airpods in and is humming along to whatever she's listening to, while tying her shoes. She doesn't notice me right away, but then I get the death stare.

"Oh my god. What are you doing in here?" She says as she takes her pods out.

"I need to talk to you" I tell her, as I step closer to her.

"Why? So you can ruin my life some more?" She huffs. "You had no right to tell Matt...." She starts to say but I interrupt her.

"Pidge?" I ask, as I stand directly in front of her, I slowly take her face into my hands, and I kiss her. This kiss is something I've never felt before. Our lips collide and crash with one another's. There's sparks, passion, and an urgency I didn't know was there.. until now. As I hold her face in my hands, she starts to run her fingers through my hair, which drives me crazy.

"Pidge?" I ask between kisses.

"Hmmm..?" She hums as she still has her eyes closed.

"Will you go out with me?" I ask, hoping to God she says yes, as her eyes pop open.

"What about Barbie?" She says as she stops our kiss and untangles her hands from my hair, suddenly realizing what we were just doing.

"It's over with Karassa" I tell her, as I put a lose
strand of hair behind her ear.

"Uh-huh. Does she know that?" She asks. Damn she asks too many questions, when all I can do is stare at her perfectly plump lips right now.

"I will make sure she knows" I declare, just as the first bell goes off.

Shit. I'm busted. Wait. Pidge is the only girl in Team Sports first period.

"I'll go out with you, if you promise not to break my heart again, Hero" She tells me with a small smile.

"I won't ruin this. I promise." I confess.

"Alrighty then, go get changed Captain" She smirks.

"Captain? Oh right, I'm team captain" I laugh, "you aren't seriously wearing those leggings are you?" I timidly ask.

"Uh yeah. They are my fabletics workout leggings. Why?" She cluelessly asks me.

"Uhh, because your ass is on display, and you are about to be checked out by every fucking guy in our class.." I nervously say.

"Oh I'm sorry Hero, are you jealous?" She giggles as she walks past me towards the locker room door.

"Me? Jealous?" I mumble, as I follow her out... Fuck yeah I am.

Here's a pic of her leggings 💗

Here's a pic of her leggings 💗

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