Snap | Oneshot

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"No. No."

Paws crashed on metal and dug narrow gouges along the silvery surfaces; the resulting metallic screech unable to cover the noise of disbelieving anguish that escaped the rose colored acrylicat. Stella paced the sterile room, her face shadowed by fury and grief despite the gently humming electric lights illuminating the chamber.

"Where did she go?!" she hissed. "Why did she go?!"

Her footsteps paused but rapid, uneven breathing filled the silence they left behind.

"She's gone and I killed him."

Enormous emotion like a blood-hot torrent willed up within her ribcage and rose into her throat. Her  sharklike tail trembled almost imperceptively and she felt compelled to scream, or cry- but when she opened her mouth no words filled the silence.

It seemed as though her entire being deflated as she realized the truth.

She had nobody left. And it was her fault.

But she couldn't bring herself to believe it. It wasn't her fault. It was the fault of the world, her enemy. 

It was her against the world.

Stella giggled softly.

"So I'll burn it to the ground;" she whispered.

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