the first puffs

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After a long semester for the class 1-A students, they all finally get a break but that doesn't mean they can't be training.

But for the first few days, most of class 1-A are free to do whatever they like. Most of the class was gone, on vacation with there family's or out with other friends.

The ones who stayed back was mina, Tsu, Ochako, Midoria, Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, and denki were all sitting in the living room.

*Mina's POV*

Ochaco, Denki, Tsu, Midoria, Todoroki, Bakugo, Jiro, Kirishima, and I were all sitting in the living room, trying to come up with a group activity together. We all suggest the beach, shopping, karaoke, camping, a drive, whatever you can think of. But we alredy did them all.

"IDEA BLAST" I shout. All look at me. "What about a smoke sesh.".
"A what?" Todoroki asked.

"Ooo this is exiting, ok so a smoke sesh is we all go in a room filled with whatever we want, for example lights, plants, planets and pillows. And we can do it in whatever location we want, like a park, a room, anywhere. But we all just do drugs and eat food. You can do whatever you want. It's in my opinion it's paradise."

"So is it a bad drug." Ochako asks, but this time it was Midoria who answered. "No it's a natural plant, it eather gives you a body hige or a mind hige." "What's the difference."

This time Bakugo awnserd "a body hige makes you feel like your a god, basically. A body hige make it feel like you in a whole other dimensions."

How the fuck do they know all this. "Uumm... Yes that about sums it up. So what do you all think."

I can see the little gears running in there little heads Jiro was the first to awnserd she seemed nervous to, "it sounds like fun. I'm in"

"Nice, one down eight more to go"

"Were in." They all say in unison.

"ALRIGHT, now let's plane this little shindig."

class 1-A but they smoke weedWhere stories live. Discover now