⛩Chapter 2⛩

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Time - 6:00
No ones POV
Only 11 zodiacs are and are still waiting for a typical someone.
"Isn't their someone we're still suppose to wait on? Cause their is only eleven of us." Virgo says sternly.
"M-Maybe it's Taurus?" Pisces says.
"Nah, he's the dude still sleeping" Scorpio says and she's glances at Taurus.
Oh so his name is Taurus.. Pisces thinks to herself.
"I think we're missing a Aries" virgo says
" oh. sorry I thought you were Capricorn."
While Capricorn is intensely staring at virgo after that sentence. "Bet the person who is late is Aquarius " Scorpio says.
Everyone looks at each mother and agrees.
"We're suppose to board the plane at 6:30. That dude better get here on time." Leo says.

"It's 6:25, should we still wait?." Virgo states.
"Of c-course we technically h-have too." Pisces
The 10 zodiacs (basically Taurus is asleep) turn around to see a boy rushing over to their gate.
" so your Aquarius. Huh?" Leo says. As you can see Leo can't deal with crap right now. I'm so ready to fight this dude. Leo thinks to herself.
"hello nice to meet you. Sorry I'm late ;)." Aquarius says to them acting like everything is ok.
"ok guys. Let's just board the plane now."
everyone heads to the plane.

When I'm about to board the plane I still see Taurus asleep. Oh wow they just forgot about him huh?
I just walk towards him. "Taurus wake u-up" I whisper. I don't think I'm loud enough. " Hey T-Taurus wake up!" I stutter loudly.
I lose my balance and accidentally bump my forehead with his. He finally wakes up with a sight of me blushing lightly. I catch my balance back in a rush. "H-hello! I-I'm Pisces. W-we're all boarding t-the plane and I s-saw you we're still asleep! So I woke y-you up!. I blurt out in a rush. Oh gosh Pisces
Why are you stuttering so much?!.
The boy looks at me and gets up and grabs his luggage. He turns to go towards the plane. "Are you coming or not?" He mumbles with his messy hair which I thought was adorable. I turn and walk behind him while we board the plane.

Scorpio -POV
I turn and see Taurus and Pisces behind him.
"Damn, They kinda look good together, don't you think?" Gemini turns and whispers to me.
Gosh I flinched. She scared the heck out of me.
I say to her " I don't really see it. They just met. But we'll see." Gemini nods her head while we got on the plane. "So what are the seat arrangements?" Virgo says. " I think we just pick." Leo says.
Me and Gemini decide to sit next to each other.
While I take the window seat and she takes the aisle seat. While I here commotion behind me. I see Gemini is out of her seat. I see her pushing Taurus to where Pisces is sitting. While Aries is enjoying his chips with Capricorn.

I slap my face and turn my head and turn around to try to ignore it. I can't deal with this "shipping" already. I decide to read a book while drinking some water to clear my throat.

Scorpio's -outfit

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Scorpio's -outfit

Taurus -POV
As Gemini keeps pushing me to a seat next to this girl named "Pisces" I guess I get A hold of her and walk to a random aisle seat next to a girl. I see the girl with earphones. I glance at her phone to see her scrolling through cat photos. I guess that's her cat.
While everyone finally gets in their seat the plane starts to take off. While we start to take off with all the shaking and noises,I feel a shaking hand holding my wrist tightly. I look over to the girl."I'm sorry I won't hold your wrist for long I'm just scared of this part while taking off." She whispers for only I can hear.
I see that she's a little scared about this part. I decide to let her hold my hand. Her hand shaking badly and I hold her hand a little tighter.
"it's ok. It's almost done." I say in a quiet tone to her. A minute I guess passes by and all the shaking is done. We were fully up in the air. I didn't notice we were still holding hands as she stops gripping tightly and let's go. " Thank you!." She blurts out of nowhere. I bend down to give her a water bottle. " drink some water. It will help you calm yourself down." I whisper. She grabs the water gently and drinks half of the water bottle. I bend back down to get mine and find a full water bottle. Oh shit. I gave her the one I was drinking out of earlier. "sorry but I have you the one I was drinking earlier." I say to her. I see her face go red as she almost chokes on the water. She coughs it out. "ACK. I'm sorry!."
why is she even saying sorry. It was my fault for giving you the wrong water bottle.

bet I'm in an anime show. This is all a set up, I thought to myself. Gosh who do I ship now. I thought to myself after seeing that whole scene of cancer and Taurus "fluff". But How about Pisces x Taurus? I'm thinking to much I should just take a nap. I can't deal with this love stuff right now.
I get ready to go to sleep until I here some sniffles.
I take off my eye cover as quickly as I can and turn to Scorpio.
" DUDE WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE." Scorpio blurts out. "Yo Scorpio I didn't think you were the kind of person to cry at "horror" movies."
She gives me a deadly glare and puts my eye cover. "ACk" I blurt out. "Go back to sleep I can't deal with you right now" she says. I pout and decide to ignore it then.

Gemini's - outfit

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Gemini's - outfit

Virgo- POV
I turn to see Aries and Capricorn munching on some chips. Gosh they chew so loud. I'm sitting on aisle seat with Leo next to me in the window seat. I take my laptop out and search for something to read. I glance at Leo and see a strand of her blond hair in her mouth while she was sleeping. I turn and pick the strand out of her mouth and turn back to my laptop. I see Taurus and cancer to the left of me. Is that? Is that Taurus leaning his head on cancer? lol their cute.

I get hungry and get one of my bento boxes out to eat. I glance at leo who is suddenly awake staring at my bento box. "You made that?" She said.
"Yes I did, I'm guessing you want some?" She nods her head and we share a bento box. "Oh wow your good at cooking." She says as she softly smiles at me. " My ears start to blush as I turn my face fast. "Gosh I can't do this right now." As we finish our bento. Leo says she has to go to the bathroom, so I make way for her. I decide to take a nap since this is gonna be a 8 hour flight.

 I decide to take a nap since this is gonna be a 8 hour flight

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Virgo's - outfit

Cancer - POV
I think I'm gonna break. One minute ago I feel a head on my shoulder. I turn to see if he was asleep and yes he was. He looked to calm while sleeping. I stared as his face for awhile. I blush and turn away but I make sure not to wake him up. I try my best to stay still. I felt like I was in one of those romance anime's. Gosh I'm freaking out. Is he knocked out or something? How could he be sleeping so good on a airplane. I never can. I would just stay awake the whole time sadly. I decide to go to social media and scroll to find anything that interests me. I scroll and find an add of a boy that looked around my age and it was a dating app. "Gosh why are you looking at that" I hear a whisper in my ear. I flinched and slowly turn to see the boy awake suddenly but still on my shoulder. I see his finger swipe out of the add. "Look at something else ok?" he mumbles. I see him close his eyes again to go back to a deep sleep. I got off my phone because I already had enough to think about in my small brain of mine.

hello guys!!
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ;)
I'm so excited where this story is gonna lead too <3
Well hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will probably be posted tomorrow:) see you for now!
Word count: 1516 words.

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