𝐢𝐝𝐟𝐜- 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫

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Newt glanced anxiously at the clock. 3am. He was still awake, sitting on the couch. His parents and sister had gone to bed hours ago. Newt couldn't sleep. Not until he got the text.

Thomas had been out all night. Before he left with Minho he'd promise to text Newt when he got home from the party. He'd told Newt he'd be out until 1am at the latest. It was two hours later then he'd promised and Newt was debating weather or not to get in his dad's car and go find Thomas.

He glanced at his phone for the millionth time that night, frowning at the screen. No new messages from Thomas.

Most people would be confused as to why Newt was still awake. It wasn't like he was dating Thomas. Well, he wanted to, but they weren't. Thomas hadn't questioned it when Newt hugged him as he went to leave for the party.

"Text me when you get home," Newt whispered against Thomas's shoulder. The brunet smiled and squeezed Newt. "I will. I promise."

Now Newt was sitting here, in his pyjamas worrying his ass off over a guy who didn't like him back. He'd been to parties with Thomas before, but this time his parents had said no and told him to study instead.

The blonde had seen what could happen to Thomas when he was drunk. He was a messy drinker, one who slurred and stumbled and make stupid mistakes that he regretted each morning. He'd hooked up with multiple girls at parties, and couldn't remember their names when he woke up in bed with them.

Newt just wanted Thomas to be safe. That's why he wanted the brunet to text him. But it hadn't happened. And now Newt was panicking.

A loud knock on the door snapped Newt from his depressing thoughts. He jumped at the noise, gripping his phone tighter. He stared at the door, putting a hand on his chest as he clamed his breathing.

The knocking continued and Newt knew he had to open the door or his parents would wake up.

Newt held his phone like weapon as he stood and walked slowly to the door. The knocking continued, loud and without fail.

The blonde grabbed the doorknob and turned it. A brunet threw himself at Newt, throwing his arms around his neck. Newt stumbled backwards, his arms automatically wrapping around the boy, keeping them both on their feet.

Newt pulled back from the boy, putting his hands on their arms. His eyes widened as he looked at their face.


The brunet grinned drunkenly and wrapped his arms around the blonde again in a bone crushing hug. Newt tried to get Thomas to stand by himself but the boy stumbled instantly. Newt lead him to the couch and let him fall on the cushions.

He went to close the door and found Thomas standing in the living room.


"I'm sorry Newtie," the boy slurred.

Newt frowned and wrapped his arm under Thomas's armpits, throwing the brunet's arm over his shoulder. He helped the boy walked upstairs to his bedroom. He passed his little sister's room. It was open and the small blonde girl was standing there in a soft blue nightie.


The blonde boy glanced between the boy in his arms and his little sister. "Wait there Sonya," he said quietly. He carried the brunet into his room and sat him on the bed. Thomas instantly rolled over and laid on his stomach, burying his face in the pillows.

"Mmm," he hummed. "It smells like you."

Newt felt his cheeks flush slightly as he left the room. Sonya was still standing in her doorway, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her little hands. Newt scooped her up and carried her back to bed.

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