My past in my present (Hotch POV)

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I sit down two chairs away from Emily and save a spot for Ali. I haven't told her who her mother is and I'm not planning on it. When em left I was so angry, so angry I could barely look at Ali because she had her mother's eyes and nose. That nose, that perfectly pointed nose. I can feel myself drifting and Ali's voice "Dad..Helloooo earth to dad." Snapped me back to reality

"Hey Ali girl". I say smiling at her. She looks at me with her mother's sparkling eyes and say "Hey, dad who's the new girl?" I quickly turn to Emily and say "Oh, Ali this is special agent Emily Prentiss she used to work on our team before you where born" I clear my throat before I continue speaking and say " And Em- I mean Emily this is my daughter, Ali, she joined the team last year."

I saw Emily's eyes turn to Ali as she says "Hey Ali. It's great to finally meet you." Ali turns to me then back to Emily and says "Yea, you too."

Garcia interrupted and said "Okkkk so today we have a 40 year old victim who was stabbed rep..." I zoned and wondered what Ali would do if I told her about Emily. Would she be mad?

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