Everything About You

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Zayn woke up in a king sized bed; he has never been into this room before... he did not know where he was. He tried getting up but someone stopped him. He couldn’t see the persons face clearly at first, but then he recognized it, how couldn’t he?

” Liam, where am I?” Zayn asked panicking.

” Zayn you need to relax for a second”

” LET ME GO YOU FREAKING BLOOD SUCKER” Liam stared into Zayn’s eyes until he calmed down. Zayn was confused now, where was he? In addition, is Liam the same person he thought he was yesterday, or today? Flashes of last night started going into Zayn’s head. He put his hands over his head and cuddled up his knees to his face... he felt his face getting hot and a tear went down his face but he sniffed to stop the rest.

“Zayn, Zayn please look at me let me explain” Liam’s voice was shaky now as he lifted Zayn’s face and wiped the tear away.

“What is there to talk about, please let me go Liam, my mum is probably worried by now”

” I called her and told her you are staying over” There was a long pause but then Zayn spoke.

” Why did you do it, and how in God’s sake did that happen? Was that even possible?”

” Yes Zayn... I’m a Vampire  ...” Zayn’s face went pale as he heard the word Vampire.

” And I’m sorry I did that without warning or anything... it’s just that I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time...” Zayn could not believe his ears. Did that mean? Liam closed the distance between him and pressed his lips to Zayn’s. Zayn could feel sparks running through his body as he started kissing back. This was not his first kiss, but it was definitely the best. The kiss started slow but then it started getting more emotional and hard-core. They separated and gasped for air.

” t-that was…” Liam’s strong arms around him cut off Zayn.

” Zayn will you promise me two things?”

” Yeah, what is it Liam? “

” First please don’t tell anyone about my... well you know who I am …”

” I promise, but what’s the next thing?” Zayn said with a smile.

” That you won’t leave me.” This time, Zayn was the one to kiss Liam. Liam gave Zayn one of his PJs and they just played there in each other’s arms until Zayn fell asleep. As a vampire, Liam does not get much sleep at night. He started getting up from bed without waking up Zayn. He was supposed to just wipe Zayn’s memory but he couldn’t, not with Zayn though... the love of his life since they were in year 2 they were in the same class but they never really talked to each other only when they had to. He walked out of his bedroom to the living room cupboards to get some blood. He sat at the couch thinking about what will happen if the elders found out.

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