Chapter 4 -

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After Zayn got out of his boyfriends car, gave him a peck on the cheeks and then waved goodbye, he went to the door, digged into his bag but could not find his keys so he knocked, he knew his family was up now since there is only 20 minutes til school. As Zayn saw the door opening, he was greeted by a big tight hug.

 ”Oh thank god, my baby is back.” Said Zayn’s mum as he put her head in Zayn’s neck, Zayn thanked god she didn’t chose the other side.

 ”Ughhh... Mum…please I can’t…ughg breath anymore!”

 ”I’m really sorry baby, I was so worried with your friend called, I think his name was Liam yeah?” Zayn nodded as his mum continued.

 ”He said you are staying over his place but didn’t let me talk to you, it was really weird because the only people I know you would sleep over are Louis and Niall “

 “Ugh, well yeah mum Liam is going to give me a ride to school so if you mind I’m going to take a shower before he comes” Zayn kissed his mum on the cheeks and went upstairs. Zayn got to his room and put his phone on charge. Picked his clothes from his wardrobe and put them on his bed, then stripped down to take a shower. Many things happened yesterday, it actually feels like ages since he talked to Niall, he would not even spend more than 3 hours without him... to some people that sound girly but that is how close their friendship is. Zayn got of shower with his thoughts clean and fresh. His neck started aching... it is a good thing it is winter now Zayn thought. Zayn dressed and cleaned his room a bit before blow-drying his hair and adding gel. He was putting his last touched when his phone beeped. Zayn went and picked his phone, there was a text from a number Zayn did not recognize.

 -Hey babe, I am down stairs, come out when you are finished - Zayn smiled as he read the text from Liam. He added him to his contact list... one thing Zayn could not get is how Liam got his phone number. Zayn checked himself in the mirror for the last time, grabbing his bag and heading downstairs.

 ”Bye mum, bye dad” Zayn called as he put his shoes and was going to open the door when his mum called his name; she was walking toward him with what looked like sandwiches.

 ”There you go honey; there is one for your friend Liam. Tell him to come in next time.” Said Zayn is mum as she kissed her son goodbye.

 ”Yeah, sure thanks mum” kissing her on the cheek. Zayn closed the door behind him and turned around to see Liam sitting in his car staring at him with a smirk on his face. Zayn got in the car.

 ”Morning” Liam replied with kiss that lasted for 4 minutes, it was deep and sweet... full of emotions!

 ” Morning to you too babe” Liam said with a smirk. Zayn still did not get used to the idea of him going out with the man of his dreams. Today they would walk as a couple to the whole school. It is not as if the school does not know he is BI, it is just that they never knew of his relationships.

 ”Here there you go, my mum made these for you.”

 ” Oh thank you love, I’ll thank her when I see here.”

 ”Vampires only drink blood right? How come you get to eat?” Asked Zayn as he saw Liam take a bite of his jam sandwich Liam laughed before answering.

 ” Zayn babe, that’s only in movies... that’s how we prank you to believe were not real.”


"Are you okay Zayn” asked Liam holding onto Zayn’s hand as they parked in the school parking. ” yeah...eermm I am just a bit nervous and … eermm the... Eermm it’s itching”

 ”Don’t worry, that feeling will go today and if your nervous about people seeing us doing this” Liam kissed Zayn on the lips before completing his sentences, they could hear people saying

 ” AWWWHH” and some are just like” OMG”, but they did not really care; the only thing that matters is them. Zayn blushed as Liam stuck their foreheads together and stared into his eyes.

 ”I love you Zayn” Zayn giggled before saying ”I love you too Liam” and with that they got out of the car hand in hand walking up to the school entrance when a wild Niall jumped out of nowhere and started saying

 ”OMG finally you guys are together, what took you so long?” with a smirk said Niall.

 ” Eermm Niall this is Liam, and eermm, Liam this is Niall my best friend “

 ” Hey Niall, nice to meet you man” smiled Liam

 ”Ha-ha Nice to meet you too Liam” Niall looked at Liam and Zayn’s hands and then smiled.

 ”Harry is coming now,” Said Liam. Zayn thought of how Liam could be a Vampire, he looked like an angel with his cute smile and his fluffy hair, Zayn was cut out of his thoughts when Liam was staring back at him with a smile.

 “Eermm hey Zayn, I’m Harry” Said Harry with a big smile.

 ”Hi Harry,” replied Niall with a Flashing smile too

 ”So since we all know each other now, why don’t we go since the bell is only a minute away?” Liam was always careful with getting in time for class.

 ”Oh look guys Louis is running late as usual,” Shouted Niall with a smile

”Oh my god, I really need to wake up earlier,” everyone laughed at Louis, and then there was silence for 2 second. They stared into each other and laughed one more time.

 ”awe you guys look so cute holding hands and standing next to each other” with a grin said Louis.

 ”Thank Louis” shyly, said Zayn” the bell rang and they all said their good byes and went to their different directions. Liam and Zayn shared Music since its Thursday.

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