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I got out of the car once we got to school. The first thing i noticed was a few students circling someone, i saw Mina sitting on the benches beside them so i decided to ask her, i walked towards her and asked "what's going on?" "New student" she said "have any idea who?" I asked "her name is Dahyun, thats the only thing i know, anyways lets go inside" she said. She grabbed my hand and we both went inside.

We got inside our classroom and saw Eunwoo sitting on his chair sleeping. I took this chance to take a video of him

I chuckled and sat on my seat. "Ok class we have a new student Dahyun please introduce yourself" the teacher told us "annyeonghaseyo Dayhyun imnida, i hope we can get along, please take care of me" she introduced.

The teacher asked her to seat beside me. She looked at me and smiled, i smiled back and continued to laugh at the video of Eunwoo. "Eunwoo-ah wake up the teacher is here" i said as i gently tried to wake him up.

The class ended and Eunwoo, mina and i went to lunch "uh, can i join you guys" dahyun asked shyly. Eunwoo and i exchanged looks and mina hesitantly said yes. The four of us sat on the table and ate lunch "Uh i didnt catch your names" Dahyun said "Im mina" mina said "Im Eunwoo, nice to meet you" Eunwoo said "seoyeon" was the only word i said, i have trusting issues and difficulties in opening up to people caused by my father, ever since he left us i made myself into a loner, Eunwoo was the only one to keep me company so it made me think i didnt need to have more friends, until i met Mina she was the only person i opened up to except Eunwoo. So of course wasnt trying to be rude,

We all ate lunch silently when our friends Mj, rocky, sanha, moonbin and jinjin joined us. Which made Dahyun uncomfortable, we all joked and talked nonsense "uh- excuse me I'll go to the bathroom" Dahyun said, we all nodded and she went out of the cafeteria.

"Oh yeah btw who is she?" Moonbin asked "the new girl, some said she transfered here because she was bullied in her old school" Mina said as she ate a spoonful of food "how do you know that?" I ask suspiciously "everybody in school has been talking about it and i have big ears so of course i would have heard it"she said chewing her food "but how did she end up eating with you guys" Sanha asked "she asked if she could " Eunwoo said "is this considered talking behind her back?" I asked as i looked around "i dont think so, were just talking about her, everybody in school is" Rocky said.

A couple of minutes later Dahyun hasn't returned from the restroom "Dahyun has been in the bathroom for so long now, should be check up on her?" Jinjin said "why, are you worried? Moonbin teased which made JinJin roll his eyes "yeah, shes taking forever" Mj added "she probably was uncomfortable and just went to her next class" i said finishing up my meal, they all nodded and went back to talking.

I felt someone kick my foot and i looked at it and it was Eunwoo's i looked at him and he was facing the other way so i thought he accidentally hit it. "You ok?" Rocky said whispering "yeah" i simply said

The bell rang and school ended and we all decided to go my house and watch movies since it was friday. We all walked to my house and talked for a bit when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, no one seemed to notice because i was at the very back i wanted to scream but it was so sudden that i couldn't then i realize it was............ my father "GET OF ME" i yelled

Eunwoo's POV
We were walking to Seoyeon's house and the guys were talking. Seoyeon wasnt really talking that much which made me concerned so i decided to talk to her while everyone was distracted. I turned around trying to look for her but i couldnt see her "guys, have you seen Seoyeon?" I asked which made them stop walking.

"Shes not here" i added we all got worried and called her but she wasn't answering, we started to look for her "SEOYEON-AH" we yelled. After minutes of searching we couldnt find her so we decided to go to her house, inform her mom, and if she wont show up before an hour we'll call the cops.

We waited silently until..

Seoyeon's POV
"GET OFF ME" i yelled "arasseo arasseo" he said "what the hell are you doing here" i said "Seoyeon listen, i broke up with Jihye, I've been trying to contact your mom but she wouldn't pick up" he said. I scoffed at what he said. "why? Would you think that she would answer? BREAKING UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND DOESNT MEAN YOUR WELCOME IN OUR LIVES ANYMORE, and for 8 years now you want to come back?, EOMMA HAS BEEN EMOTIONAL THESE PAST FEW YEARS AND YOU THINK SHE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU RIGHT NOW? WE DONT NEED YOU, WE MANAGED TO GET OUR LIVES STRAIGHT AND TRIED TO FORGET YOU AND HERE YOU ARE TRYING TO COME BACK, EOMMA WAS HURT ENOUGH, I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT HER ANYMORE........She loved you, she sacrificed her career so that you could do yours, do you think it's unfair?...........wow you're unbelievable ahjussi" i said crying "Seoyeon-ah" he began "no, I don't want to see you anymore, if you touch me one damn time I'm calling the police" I threatened, he eventually gave up and i walked to my house with tears in my eyes.

I approached the front door and opened it gently revealing all of them seating down impatiently. Once they saw me they all ran to me and gave me a hug "Seoyeon-ah where have you been, we've been worried about you" my mom said crying. I was pale and sweaty I couldn't even talk. They sat me down on the couch "where have you been Seoyeon-ah" Mina worriedly said "Ap-pa" I said stuttering and tears began to fall "appa?" My mom asked, i took a deep breath and said "eomma, don't worry about me, go get some sleep I promise i will tell everything tomorrow" "but-" "eomma"i said looking at her she nodded and went to kiss my forehead and went to her room.

Eunwoo sat on the floor facing me and asked "you want water?" I nodded "moonbin get water" Eunwoo said without looking away from me, I slightly chuckled at Moonbin's 'are you kidding me' look in his face and the others followed him to the kitchen to give us some alone time. then Eunwoo said "what did he do?, did he hurt you, where, where did he take you?" "no he didn't hurt me and i think right know isn't the right time, let's just watch a movie and forget what happened mm?" I said he nodded and gave me a hug. we all head downstairs to the cinema and ate snacks while watching the movie, I could see everyone in the corner of my eye looking at me once in a while, i could tell that they were eager to know what happened or am i really ok,

But nobody said a word since i needed space.


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