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Finally i made them meet💜

POV: Yoongi

            I push Tae towards my chummy. As the bright light peirces the sky turning into a black hole , i stand right down to the hole. It took few moments for me to recognise what is happening .

               As i realise something gonna fall from above , Before even i could move, it fell above me knocking out a great thud. I pass out for a second, as i manage to regain some consciousness ,i feel my spine breaking into pieces , At the same time, iam  relaxed by the savoury sweet scent of Anise and doughnut musk that induce my half alpha wolf to mark him , as my half vampire carves for his blood. YES , My MATE ! my wolf growls in joy"

                    As i open my eyes , my mate was lying upon me burrying the face to my chest. "Angel , get up i wanna see your beautiful face" I sound curious. As my beta mate obeys me , i stay stunned by the bewildered beauty looking at me with widen eyes. Not wanting to break the eye contact , i keep drowning into my mate's features. He looked absolutely ethereal. Yes iam right, it is HE! , even though i don't want to be a gay , his seducing semblance overwhelms my mind and heart.

                  "He has brownish black hair with typical two block cuts ,with bottom sides equally trimmed and the top half kept long in "C" cut ,that exposes his forelock while slightly covering his temple .His soft light eyebrows starts out boxy but go  straight then turns into a  slight beautiful arch. He has a oval face with the killer jawline. His side profile can easily make people's heart flutter lunatic like my stupid heart fluttering now .

              As he feels his pain , he let out a cute pout, further furrowing his eyebrows making his eyes into slight bends , that perfectly  personifys the crescent moon. As his profile and cute pout persuading me to kiss every inch of his skin , we got distracted by the squealing Tae.

                     "Jimineee"Tae sequels with joy. As my mate slowly got off from me, I slowly get up , confused by the senti atmosphere.  "Tae Tae" my mate utters with tear brimming eyes, while Tae at once ran and  hugs my mate. "How did you got here chum!! I missed you so much " Tae sounds sobbing. I now guess that my mate is Tae's chum .

               "Idk Taebear , I hardly followed you , and ended up near your burnt house . when i looked around for you, I found a black hole near a tree and i let myself black into it" my mate replies .  "So you both got here through that hole?" I interrupt them, interrogating. "Yes, i threw away my ring towards the tree , and the gem which embedded in that broke into pieces , and then a black hole appears" Tae replies me , As my mate question him again "The blue gem ring? which bogum gifted you!" he asks little shocked.

               "Yes ,  he dumped me for that alpha bitch . I don't even fuck care about him jimine and also he rejected me as his mate , i don't wanna be his mate anymore" Tae growls in anger  glinting his eyes glow in blue as he changes the climate into complete chaos.

               "Okay tae, relax before the climate gets cold" my mate consoles him. "So is he your chum Tae?" I ask "Yes Yoongi he is Park Jimin my one and only chum" he replies with a cute box  smile "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself to your mate?" I ask  Jimin with a smirk on my face. "What mates!! Jiminae is that true?" Tae screams shocked. "Yes that's ture Tae, and you my Vampire mate, I hate Vampires and iam damn sure this not gonna workout between us" my mate shouts with  pathetic angry tone.

                "Jiminae , don't decide now after all he is your mate ! just give a try Jiminae" Tae trys to convince his friend "But you know how my vampire father tortured my mother Tae , I hate those blood sucking creature and i can't even imagine my mate being a vampire"he says breaking my heart. "Fine then , i too don't wanna be a gay . I hate it" I reply trying to sound little cool,but my half wolf "suga" already sobs, by hearing his mate's words.

                  "Can you both stop it now , even if you hate this, just give a try , I can hear your both wolf sobbing in pain.  so both of you just roll up your shitty fights and make up your mind." Tae growls annoyed. "I made up my mind already, Now advice your beloved chum to make up his mind" I sound pathetically annoyed. "Oh is that so  , just now you said you don't wanna be a gay , what i will do if you dumped me like Tae's mate did?"jimin yells.

                 Now annoyed by his reply, I take big steps towards my mate , As my wolf suga overwhelmes me, i pull him closer,tightening my grip around his waist , filling my lungs by his breaths as our lips are just an inch away form intimacy, "I won't be like that pervert , who left his angel for a bitch . I jus-t lo-v-e ..,never mind leave it." I shutter and cut off as i loosen the grib.

                 "So, you already fell for him Yoongi?" Tae asks me with a playful chuckle. "Yes,Honestly at the first sight, so what gonna change now?, Nothing right ? " I sigh annoyed , as i question Tae again "You got dumped by your mate tae?" I ask "yes Yoongi" he replies. "Are you not worried or broken?" I ask again

          "Yes Yoongi iam , we just found out 4 months ago and he rejected me for someone . There is no use in worrying about that over and over again .Of course it hurts , may be that's what iam meant to be. But Idk i can love someone hereafter" Tae replies. "That's great ,even though you are an omega  you are mentally strong .Not like that stupid Alpha Gugk" I reply as i start walking with my chum worrying about my friend.

                "Hey you! Vampire stop , take me with you" my mate shouts. "That's great! but you don't like vampires right? what if i suck your blood?" I say with smirk . "Can you shut your shit mouth?let me give a try" my mate says as he runs and hangs his one hand around mine in bridal style. "Not gonna come with us Tae ?" I ask Tae "Will come" he says as he runs and hang his hand  around my mate's shoulder.I can't help suga from letting out a soft growl , but i sushed him before my mate  hears.

              "yeaahhh, better have control over your wolf we are just friends okay" Tae giggles as i see a sweet light blush adoring my mate cheeks. "Okay iam caught. Hey! let me take you both to God hyungs they'll be shocked by your presence" I say. "what god hyungs?" my mate asks curiously . "Yeah you'll get to know in detail, But now get over my chummy (horse) I'll give you both a ride there" I say as my mate and tae follows me.

                "I got on first , my mate next followed by Cute protesting Tae , as soon as we got upon my chummy Tae shut his eyes in fear, grabing  Jimin's waist, while my mate wraps his hand around my torso. " You smell blood and lilly of the valley" Jimin compliments my smell

                "Why ? you don't like it my spicy doughnut" I try to sound sarcastic with a blushing smile. "May BE , may be NOT" he replies making my cheeks glow in bright red. "Both of you , enough of your flirting , let's go there , before i faint from fear" Tae screams. "Oops! sorry Tae , Be ready we are gonna fly" I squeal as my chum already starts manoeuvering through the heavenly air.


LOL🤣 it was YOONGMIN 😅 don't worry TAEKOOK is on their way....


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