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The Master had created an army of deadly creatures using the DNA of serval different species. The last part of the puzzle..was the DNA of a Human..with all the Humans now under the trance of The Master. He had no
Choice but to let the Doctor in..

The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack made there way inside and saw the damage the Master was doing.
The Master needed somebody with Human DNA to complete the process of the new "Master Empire"

"Blondie!" The Master shouted over to Rose.
"You're a Human get over here!" The Master said pointing a gun at Rose.
The Doctor and Jack shouted
"You don't have to do this!" The Doctor said
"Let her go!" Jack said
Rose was shaking "I'm not scared of you. You're just a disturbed tiny brained rodent."
"Get over here." The Master said as he loaded the Gun.

"Stop.." The Doctor said. "Let Rose go and I'll do it."
The Master was stunned "You what?"
"I said I will do it.."
The Master, Rose and Jack were jaw dropped as Rose grabbed the Doctor "Doctor it only works for Humans!"

The Doctor went over to the machine and took the needle attached to the machine.
The Master was stunned "What are you doing! You're not Human you idiot!"

The Master, Rose and Jack watched in horror as the Doctor inserted the needle into his arm as the machine accepted his DNA...

"How did you do that!" The Master was stunned to the core.
"Doctor..." Jack and Rose said.
The Master immediately shoved The Doctor out the way as he looked at the machine that now had the Human DNA it needed.
"It's saying Human DNA accepted.." the Master said as he sank to the ground in disbelief.

"I'm sorry..." The Doctor said as he passed out
"Doctor!" Rose and Jack ran over to him.
"Help him!" Rose and Jack shouted to the Master
"Oh Doctor..You are impossible.." the Master crouched down over the Doctors unconscious body as Jack grabbed and handcuffed him.

"We need to get him to a Hospital or somewhere!" Rose said
"Rose we can't take him to a Human. We have to call UNIT!"

Doctor Who - Half Human.Where stories live. Discover now