Battle Of Orochi

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Waka: I knew you'd come Amaterasu with that Flame and the sacrificial girl eh.


Firey: Issun's Right can you Open it up and sorry about Issun getting really mad.

Waka: Okay I will just do my Trick.

*Waka opens the barrier*

*Orochi Fire Head Comes and takes Leafy*

Firey: LEAFY!

Issun: We gotta go confront Orochi Ammy.

*Firey, Issun and Amaterasu Head to Orochi's Stronghold*

Firey: So This is Orochi Lair?

Issun: Yep this is Orochi's Lair.

*Orochi Opens his Garden Bell that's connected to Orochi*

Orochi: O wild god of the heavens. 100 years have passed since you imprisoned me here. How is it you come back after perishing and turning into stone. 100 years in a cold stony tomb... You reek of decay!

Issun: I've heard enough! Bottoms up, big guy!


Issun: Okay Ammy Time to do Your Magic!

Narrator: After a Long Battle

Issun: Firey Don't Try to Attack Orochi He Has a Magical Barrier!

Firey: I care not. I will just get to the back and save Leafy.

Narrator: And Firey Decided to go to Orochi's Back and save Leafy when Firey Picked Up the Yoyle Berry and ate to turn metal so he won't burn Leafy, Firey picked up Leafy and ran off of Orochi Back but then Orochi was heading towards Firey. Firey Dropped Leafy quickly and turned to Orochi Leafy Ran away. Orochi Used his attacks on Firey Wounding him badly.

Orochi: HAHAHA Now I'll just use my power to defeat you.

*Orochi gets closer to Firey fastly*

???: Hold it right there you Ville Serpent


???: I did

Issun: Wait is it, You Susano

Susano: Don't worry Susano is here!

Orochi: Wait it can't be.

Susano: The time has Come Time to shine the moon fido!

Issun: Ok Ammy Do your thing.

*Amaterasu unleashed a mighty howl and summons the Moon*

Susano: now with the power of the gods! It's Time!

Susano: GOOD *chops the earth head off*, WILL *chops the poison head off*, NEVER *chops the Lightning head off*, GIVE *chops the light head off*, IN *chop's the water head off*, TO *chops the wind head off*, EVIL! *chops the darkness head off*.

Susano: Now for the ultimate technique in Susano-style Martial Arts! Celestial Clever!

*chops Orochi Firehead Body vertically*

Issun: Yes! Orochi has been defeated C'mon Firey let's go back to Where we were.

Firey: Leafy must have ran back to the area where they all are let's go back Susano do you want to come with us?

Susano: Nah I'm not going.

Issun: Ok let's just go back.

Announcer: So how did it go with defeating The eight-headed Dragon

Issun: Wait you all are here!

Flower: Leafy had told us about the battle you guys had.

Issun: Oh Okay. At least we beated Orochi once and for all.

Narrator: And so the dreaded Orochi had been defeated once and for all. Amaterasu The Goddess of the Sun had decided to stay at goiky to make sure they won't have any more battles. However. The Story was not over yet at Sei'an City Queen Hmikio was waiting for Amaterasu Arival.

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