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lusee it's a bit dark over here

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lusee it's a bit dark over here

[tagged: jamespxtter]

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[Direct Messages]

are you guys safe?

what the hell is going
on right now??

did you guys get back
to st mungos safely??

yeah we're safe as
far as we can tell,
seems like there's
something messing
with the hospital

what, is the same thing
happening at hogwarts?

uhh, you could say that

gtg mcgonagall is
looking for me

Keep me updated?

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"Maybe it's just a power outage."

Roxanne bounced her wand against her knee, light spinning dizzily back and forth as nervous sparks burst from its end. "Unlikely."

"It could be," said Rose, but the dull roll of her voice like fog slinking over a hill was far from convincing. It didn't convince anyone else, and judging by the unsteady hush of her breathing, she wasn't convinced either.

"St Mungo's doesn't run on electricity, love," said Isla, but even her typically steady tone had gone soft and uncertain.

Lily bit back a frown as her eyes scanned the vague silhouettes staring back at her.  

The shadowy outlines were barely recognizable in the dark. Roxanne, visible only from the soft glow emitting from her wand, sat against the wall with her skull clenched between her hands, no doubt in an attempt to stifle a growing headache. Lily couldn't help but feel the same.  To her left, a Rose-like figure reclined on the sofa, head resting upon Isla's lap.  Across from them all a single figure was hunched in the shadows, silent as death.  Lily didn't want to believe that it was Fred - he'd never been so quiet before - but the dim flickering of Roxanne's light was enough to prove it.  Beyond them, on the sofa that they'd squeezed into the little room last minute, were the outlines of who Lily presumed to be Louis and Lysander.  The two hadn't parted since Lysander's return, and though she knew it wasn't the same, Lily understood the feeling.  The world was crumbling beneath their feet, and she'd do anything to keep her friends safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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