The Truth Behind The Rose

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Just some random story I randomly came up with.. let me know if you think it deserves to keep going.. thanks to my fabu fans!!

by the way-

1) Carson is a girl(:

2) /  \  is mindspeak between two mates. ****

3) The picture is Carson

Carson's POV:

I smiled at Kody and Tayna hand holding- they were so cute togeather! Even though Danny couldn't pick me and my sister up, its good to at least see our old friends from high school. This was my collage's spring break and I was excited to see my mate again. He goes to the same school as me, but recent rouge activity called him home early.

I looked out into the dark street, we were about a mile away now and I was shaking with anticipation. I heard Kody let out some choice words and I was about to get on him for using that language around my baby sister until I saw the figure that made him stop. My heart pounded as the van was forced to a stop. This wasn't the plan. I looked over at Fawn, wide-eyed. 


Everyone's eyes went to the four indentations on the roof that matched the stance of a wolf. A terrible grinding noise made everyone in the van to shudder. My mind went into overdrive thinking of things to help us. Danny.

/Danny!!! Rouges are attacking us! Help!/  I frantically sent to my mate. His reply was instant.

/Carson! Where are you? Can you get to a safe place?/  I could feel his worry through the bond.  /No, I can't...Danny.. I love you../  There was more terrible sounds- almost like nails grinding aginst the side of the car- /Goodbye Danny/ I knew my fate was sealed. 

//NO! CARSON!!! YOU LISTEN TO ME!! GET OUT OF THERE NOW DAMN IT!!// I closed our link and grabbed a hold of a shaking Fawn. This wasn't suppose to be happening. The rouges were not suppose to be allowed within the town.

Suddenly the driver window broke open and Kody was yanked out, with nothing more then a shreik. His mate- Tayna- in the passenger seat scream and got out to aid him. The sounds I heard for the next five minutes were terrible. I got a more firm hold on Fawn and went to the back. I hadn't shifted yet so I didn't have the strength to fight off however many rouges were out there, but I was not letting anything happen to my baby sister so werewolf strength or not she was getting out of here alive.

I kicked the back out and peered around the corner and had to fight the bile back down my throat.  Kody's lifeless body was lying in a impossible angle, while the rouges; the two of them, were on Tayna. One was holding her struggleing body down while the other one was doing things to her nobody should be able to do to a woman.

I turned to Fawn and held a finger up to my lips; quiet.  I put her body in front of mine and pushed her in the opposite direction of the sick monsters and mouthed for her to run. She tugged my hand, but I shook my head at her and pushed her again. With one last look at me she quietly ran into the forest, as I turned around to make sure they don't run after her I came face to face with the monster themselves. They were smirking at me and I could almost see all the preverted things running through their minds.



yup...let me know if you want to know what happens to Carson...and in NO way am I saying that rape is okay (thats what happened to Tayna ): and I CRIED when  I wrote it) So im so sorry if I offended anybody!!

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