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Hey guys!!

So I'm really enjoying writing this story!

Thanks for reading

Carson's POV:

I backed up slowly; even though every step was matched by perv #1. Okay so I am not strong enough to take both of them on at once, but I need to give Fawn a head start. Hopefully they didn't see her while they were busy killing my other friends. I felt a pang in my heart. Kody and Tayna, such a beautiful young couple so in love and looking forward to a long life with many kids, were never going to see tomorrow. That thought made me see red. These sick basterds took two good people's lives and they were laughing about it. 

"Come here Little Girl, we don't bite. Much." They chuckled at their joke, before advancing twords me. 

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, my voice strangrely calm.

"Many things Little Girl, but don't worry." My eyes darted to Kody and Tayna's corpses before leveling back to his, "Were not here to kill you." I choked a laugh.

"Whats one more body to you sick basterds?" Instantly a hand cracked across my face, and pain flooded the right side of my face.

"Don't speak unless your spoken to. It's an important lesson you'll need to learn. Soon. Especially if were taking you to see Ezra." The other rouge came over to us by now and hit his partner upside the head.

"god why do you always talk? Bind her!"They squared away to each other.

"Why don't you bind her? I always gotta do the boring dirty work around here!"

"If ony you wern't my brother I swear to god, Roland I would've snapped your neck by now!"

Now was my chance, while they were bickering I slipped into the forest and ran. It didn't matter where to, just away. After a second or two I heard enraged growls and the soundes of two werewolves changing into their second forms and running after their prey. I ran and ran until I was sure I was going to have raw feet if I lived to see tomorow. Suddenly a welcomed sight came to play; the pack house. I ran up the steps in two; anxcious to be in my mates safe arms. I felt arms capture me from behind and I screamed bloody murder.

As Were's poured out of the pack house I felt a hand press to the side of my face, in the position that, if the rouge wanted to, he could easily snap my neck. I started crying; honest to god tears started rolling down my face. I realized then and there I was going to die. I saw through the tears that Danny had forced his way through the crowd and was being held back by our toughist warriors. If I were to die, at least my last sight was him.

/Danny. Find Fawn, Keep her safe./

/No. Not without you Carson. I love you. I love you. love you. love you./  He kept telling me that over and over, as if to sooth me. I saw him collapse, sobbing, with his head in his hands. I wasn't through fighting for us. I knocked my head back aginst my restraint, and that was all that was needed . He stumbled back, into a ring of angry Were's. I was caught before I hit the ground and a feeling of security went throughout me. I was being rocked back and forth in Danny's arms with him murrmering soothing words. He picked me up and started to lead me away, but I struggled. 

"Baby, just sleep, I'll take care of eveything." I still stuggled. 

"I have to find Fawn- and Kody and Tayna- Oh god, what just happened?" I went into shock, with Danny as my only lifeline. 

"Shh, Shhh Carson Babe, what happened to Kody and Tayna?" I looked helplessly into Danny's eyes, after all, They had been close friends of his as well. I couldn't breathe, tonights actions caught up to me and suddenly I was gasping for air. Danny shouted at people to help him, and I was lifted on a bed, and a mask held over my mouth. I tried to take it off, feeling trapped, but someone held my limps down. I sobbed wondering if I had walked from one nightmare into another. Where was Danny? He was suppose to be protecting me! My thoughts turned to mudd as sleep took me into its embrace.

And finaly I escaped.

Dannys POV!!! (Yeahhh!!)

I looked down on my angel sleeping peacefully in my bed. I never have felt so helpless  in my life when I watched her in the arms of that rouge. I felt fury course through my body and my hands instinctivly curled into fists. I took a breath and brushed some hair off of Carson's face; calming down a bit. Taking her hand I took the mask off gently, cursing every bad thing that had caused her breakdown. I lend down to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry, Carson. The son of a bitch who did this is going to pay. I promise." I walked out of the room and went straight to the holding cell with the rouge in it. He was shricking like a baby, that might have something to do with the fact that we had titanium silver biting into every sensitive point on a werewolf's body. I watched him struggle for a breath without pain, feeling my inner beast enjoying the pain of  the one to cause my mate's pain. I walked up to him and nodded at Harry. He pulled the silver off. The rouge took grateful breaths, and I growled. He shouldn't be allowed a fraction of a good breath.  

"Who are you?" My voice deadly calm.  The rouge simpley sneered.

"Like I'd tell you anything." His voice was barely there, raspy from being tourchered. It was pathetic, all It took was a slight nod to Harry before he cracked.

"OKAY! okay! just, wait. Ill tell you anything just, please, stop." I waved Harry off. 

"What do you want to know?" 

"Who are you?" I repeted.

"My names Roland."

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't know, my brother Rick, He is the brains of the operation. We were instructed to attack a vehicle, kill the three other passengers, and take one to the boss." I froze.

"Were you the one who attacked my mate?" My whole body was tense, waiting for his readticon.

"You mean Little Girl with the tight body? Yeah that was me and my brother." He seemed almost proud of that. I never even gave the consious thought to connect my fist with his face, but when I heared the satisfying crunch of his face breaking a weight lifted off me. I backed away from him, knowing if I stayed I probably wouldv'e snapped his neck. 

"Harry, you know what to do." I walked out having to hear Roland screaming at the top of his lungs. 

"Alpha!" I turned to a one of my scouts, who looked like they were about to be sick. 

"What is it Owen?" 

"You need to see this Alpha." He started to run, so I followed him up to the road that comes to the town, the one that Carson rode on. I smelled the blood before I saw the scene. I was right out of a horror movie. If it wasn't for the Alpha blood running through my veins I wouldv'e been throwing up in the bushes and crying. The only thing that has that power to make me cry and well show emotion is my mate.

I walked over to Kody, saddened by the way he went. Tayna was almost to hard to look at. Her clothes were roughly shoved aside, and there were bruise marks forming on her neck. Suddenly I caught scent of a third blood trail. It was close to Carson's, but not hers which ment one thing. Fawn. Following it I came apon a worse sight. A lock of hair laid next to a pool of blood with a note. I took it and opened it.


Bring my brother and Carson to pier 14 by tomorrow noon or else the little girl dies.


I sighed, this day just keeps going from bad to worse.

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