🥀{|[I miss you]|}📚

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There it is again. Those words. The words that he hears most often, "you have no friends", "nobody likes you". He acts like he doesnt care, like he isnt deeply affected, but those words cut deeper than a knife. 

The ocean blue eyed man has had enough. He knows he has no friends, he had known for a long time. Ever since his first Slayer training mate, his first friend, even the person he has loved deeply for the longest time now has been killed, slaughtered and vored by that hand demon back at the final selection. 


Every single time someone mentions "friends", the amazing but burdened, buried and depressing memories of Sabito just fills Giyuu's mind. 

If only he had been able to save him in some way, he would have still lived. It's his fault that his one and only died, his fault for being weak, his fault for existing. His... 

'no, its not', he kept on thinking to himself, slapping himself back to reality. He knows that Sabito would much rather have Giyuu alive than dead, and Giyuu promised to keep that vow-- the vow stating that Giyuu shall never think that he's better off dead or else Sabito will leave him. Even after Sabito's death, with the burden on his shoulders, just wanting to let out his sorrows, he kept that vow, in hopes to see Sabito once again.

 'Head up, keep strong and move on..that's what Sabito would have wanted.' Heck, how could he move on? Move on from seeing his one and only being ripped away from him. 

The worst part of it all: Giyuu never even had the chance to even say how the felt about Sabito. He regrets not telling him.

 "Sabito...I love you, I miss you" he whispers to himself before breaking down once more as if Sabito was right infront of him, feeling like he is, just not being able to see him.

 Little did Giyuu know that Sabito was there, watching Giyuu grow up without him, which brought sorrow to the ghost figure. Before Sabito left, he moved right infront of Giyuu, hugging him as if Giyuu would be able to feel it, letting a couple tears fall down before saying,

 "Giyuu... I love you too"

(A/N): fucking shit, I think I might c r y. I just love their dynamic and it's sO GOD DAMN S A D that Sabito had to die QwQ

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