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I lightly tapped my foot against the floor. Eventhough Mr. Ryan was sexy he was boring as all hell. He didn't even compare to Shaw's mesmerizing voice. My eyes wondered around the room as Mr. Ryan spoke about the importance of old literature.

"Excuse me" a young man from beside me asked. I turned to look at him. He was tall and lean. I could tell he worked out but not as much as a regular person might. He had a cute baby face with matted brown hair. He had ocean blue eyes, similar to mine. He was definitely a good looking kid, just not my type. "Could I borrow an eraser, mine just fell off my pencil" he said chuckling. I giggled remembering that happening to me a few times back in high school. I grabbed my pencil and handed it to him. He gave my quick smile and started to erase the notes he had taken. "I'm Miles by the way" he said holding out his hand.

"Julia" I said shaking his hand. He smiled and blushed a little. He was definitely adorable. He looked really young. I would guess maybe 17 at most. I was about to ask how old he was until Mr. Ryan interrupted.

"Would you like me to stop class so you two can introduce yourselves?" He asked cocking a eyebrow at Miles and I. What a jackass I thought. I bit my tongue and nodded for him to continue. I wouldn't usually stay quiet but Miles looked throughly embarrassed. I let out a sigh and copied down what Mr. Ryan was writing on the board. After what seemed like forever, Mr. Ryan finally dismissed us. I packed my things into my bag and walked towards the door.

A large hand wrapped around my wrist spinning me around. I came face to face with Mr. Ryan. He looked at me strangely before letting his eyes travel down my body. I felt a little disgusted by his actions. I tried to move away from him but he tightened his grip. My wrist started to hurt but I didn't mention it.

"Cameron told me about your essay. He wanted me to help you fix it so you could get a better grade" he spoke looking at my breats instead of my eyes. "So I need you to come here around 7 tonight after my last class gets done so we can fix the essay before he gets back" he said. There was something off about his tone that gave me the feeling of dread but I pushed it aside.

"When does he back" I found myself asking. A blush ran up my cheeks as I thought I was out how weird that sounded. Why should it matter to me when he got back. He gave a small frown and spoke.

"Cameron's plane arrives at 10 so we'll have plenty of time." I flinched at his slightly harsh tone. When I gave him a questioning look he plastered on a smile and stepped away, releasing my wrist. "Ill see you at 7" he said opening the door for me. I walked out and turned back around to speak but was instead greeted by a shut door. I decided not to fret about it and walked back to my dorm for a power nap before my next class.


The rest of the day, the feeling in the pit of my stomach only seemed to grow. I'm not sure why but I felt as if I should skip tonight and just take the grade Shaw gave me. I shook my head and decided that I needed to see Mr. Ryan even if he made me feel uncomfortable. I needed to better my essay so that I could ace Shaws class.

I went back to my dorm and decided to put on clothes that would cover more of my body. Usually I wouldn't mind hot guys checking me out but it just felt different with Mr. Ryan. I threw on a light blue sweater and a pair of leggings. I grabbed my purse and my cell and headed to the English building. Once I arrived at the classroom I got a overwhelming feeling that something was off and boy was I right.

The room was erie. A light glow from the room cascaded across the desk and a few rows. The rest of the room was pitch black. I stepped further in the classroom unaware of where Mr. Ryan was at. I walked towards the desk and saw a few papers scadered amongst it. On one of the manila folder read the word "PRIVATE". I reached my hand slowly so I could retrieve it. Damn me and my curiosity. My heart quickened at the footsteps behind me. I dropped the folder and spun around. But nobody was there. I looked around and tried to see through the darkness but was unable to. I let out the breath I was holding and tuned back so I could snoop again.

"You changed?" I heard Mr. Ryan say from behind me. I spun around and faced him. He had a scary smirk on with a look of lust in his eyes. I threw my hand over my heart as it was beating rapidly from him scaring me.

"Jesus. You scared me half to death". He gave a small smirk and stepped towards me. I started to back up slowly afraid of what he might try.

"Whats wrong?" he asked while his grin grew bigger. When the back of my legs hit the desk, panic set in.

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