English 121

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He was an asshole. So why couldn't I stop staring at him? I watched the way he moved swiftly around the classroom. Everytime he ran his fingers through his hair I melted a little more. Girls kept raising their hands even though I knew that they didn't actually need help.

I looked down at my notes and fiddled with my pen. I kept trying to come up with ways on how I'm going to survive this class when all I could think about was him taking me on his desk. The temperature in the room rose while images played through my head. I wiggled around in my seat, suddenly uncomfortable. I squeezed my legs together hoping to relieve the pressure but it only made me moan. I lifted my head up and checked to see if anybody heard me. Luckily everybody was working silently.

"Are you okay? You look a little flushed." A deep alluring voice whispered in my ear. Goosebumps invaded my skin and sweet tingly sensations went down my spine. Mr. Shaw... His hot breath danced around my ear. I cleared my voice trying to get my breathing under control.

"I'm fine" I snapped. I turned around to face him in the eye. He looked even sexier up close. He watched me lick my lips at the the thought of claiming his godly mouth. He looked back into my eyes, his eyes darker than before. For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead he smirked and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Class dismissed. Don't forget your essays tomorrow, they will be graded." He said the last part looking at me. Our eyes met in an intense stare down. I raised my eyebrow at him questioning him as to why he didn't look away. He laughed and shook his head. I grabbed my supplies, threw them into my purse and walked out the door but not without one final glance at him. When I turned to look at him I saw some slut in and skin tight tee and a mini skirt leaning against his desk with her boobs practically on the desk. He looked up at me and I shook my head and walk out. I even gave him the decesency to close the door for him so he could bang in privacy.

I sat cross legged in the center of my bed typing away. I will be honest I was on a roll pulling this essay out of my ass. I smirked at the thought of him reading the sass that I put in. I even wrote a page on snobby teachers who should really "take their punishments and shove them where the sun doesn't shine". I was rolling over laughing while trying to perfect my writing. "FINALLY!" I shouted excited that I finally finished after spending 3 house writing it. A ding from my phone interrupted my happy dance.


Whelp. That doesn't sound good. I sent him a quick text back to meet me in the English hall since it was the closest to my apartment. He replied with a simple okay and I was out the door. Once I arrived I sat on the bench and pondered on what he could possibly want to talk to me about. Jason and I had only been going out for a few weeks but things seemed to be going pretty well. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I thought about the few but good memories we had together. The time where he showed up at my door with a rose and a giant teddy bear. I had been so happy because no one ever done something like that before. Lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Jason sit down next to me.

"Hey" he whispered not looking me in the eyes.

"What's wrong" I asked worried. He usually never acted this way. He was usually cocky, arrogant, and self-centred. I touched his shoulder, he flinched and pulled away. I gave him a questioning look. I heard faint footsteps behind him but didn't bother with it. It took a few minutes but finally he spoke.

"I've been cheating on you for the past week and half." he said quickly and under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I said sternly. He better hope I didn't hear right.

"Listen babe, your sexy as hell, but you've been holding back a little. And this other girl she's so willing.."

"Who's the bitch?" I asked cutting him off. I calmly stood up so we were face to face now. He looked angry now.

"Carry." He said laughing. "She sexy, funny and knows exactly how to make me feel good. Something that you never did. She's experienced" he spat. I smirked at him causing him to look at my questionably.

"Listen here baby. You want to know why I never pleased you? Because I couldn't even find the dick to pleasure." His eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped. I laughed in his face. "you are more pathetic than I thought. Best of luck being out in public with her because if she's sleeping with you she's probably got no standards."

"At least she can afford to go out." He smirked at me. He knew about my family. I took a sharp intake of air and raised my hand to slap the shit out of him. Before my hand reached the ass in front of me I felt a strong hand grip around my wrist and another around my waist.

"Violence is not an answer" Mr. Shaw's voice travelled through my body. I felt his hardened cock at the small of my back. I suddenly was aware at the a proximity of his body to my own. I bit down on my lip trying to resist moaning at a moment like this.

"Jason I suggest you leave and keep your distance." Mr. Shaw spoke in authority. Jason didn't leave, in fact he stepped closer. "Do I make my self clear" he spoke louder with a threatening voice. Jason stared Shaw and I down before he shook his head and walked away into the darkness.

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