The Death Club

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Isaacs POV

          As we walked through the airport I stopped and looked at the escalator that once used to be packed with people going to Chicago for business or families going to Florida for spring break. Now it’s shut down, sitting there, waiting for the next zombie to use its steps to get to the next floor. We went on, looking out the windows leading out to the runway were a few planes sat. Some crashed from a failed escape, but I guess they were too late.

          I can’t remember what caused this whether it was radioactive or god forbid some disease breakout. I just know the people that aren’t slowly decaying are still trying to find a cure, if they haven’t given up anyway. Now I know I sound like a real Debbie downer but come on, we have to face the facts. The world is ending as we know it.    

          As I lead the group, being cautious of zombies, we walked through what used to be the café, I took in what our world was like now. At first you are kind of trying to find hope in this place of misery but then you eventually give up but don’t worry you get used to it. I looked at the group of people in the room with me. People who used to have lives, people who used to have a family. I play a game where I try to guess what their life was like before the happening. For instance the guy with a big scar over his eye, he carries around s picture of two little girls, his children I’m guessing, and the guy walking up the escalator, he was roughly around my age so he probably was the captain of the football team or something. Finding no survivors, we walk further into the airport until we get to the terminal door that leads out onto the run way. I push open one of the doors and head toward the city.

          We walk along the destroyed streets I hear a groan and lead the group into hiding. Once the coast is clear we head back out and search.

          While we live on the other side of giant cement wall, trying to find a cure, they, quote on quote, ‘live’ out here. Left to wander and grunt for the rest of their lives. I soon pick up a reading and lead the group onto another street.

          We enter the building and the reading is getting stronger. As we went through the building, Aiden, my best friend, stood watch for zombies. Going through the double doors we saw three scarred people with guns pointed our way.

“Calm down, we are here to help you.” I said. They looked at each other and I could literally see the wave of relief washing over them.

“Where did you guys come from?” the oldest one asked.

“You will find out, all you have to does trust us.” They paused for a second to talk amongst themselves. Once they were done, they turned to us and nodded.   

“Great, welcome to the death club.” 

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