Chapter 1: The Stage

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Lights flicker

Music swells

Curtains open

The stage is set

I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. My thoughts become a muddled mess,
"This is it (Y/N).. show them why you belong... show them why you're here."


My first technical rehearsal as Violetta in El Traviata went better than I ever could have hoped. The arias still danced in my head as I stepped backstage.


I turned around to see my friend Paula who was on the stage crew,
"You did great!"

"Thank you.. my heart's still going a mile a minute! I can't believe its all real."

"The director said we're going over act 2 again in 30 minutes but..." a mischievous smirk filled her gaze, "I know just what we can do on break."

"Oh no not that look anything but that look! Look I love you but I'm not going to commit arson with you... again."

"Please! I have something even better in mind... there's someone I want you to meet!" Paula took my arm and started shoving me further into the theatre. The Sydney Opera house was grand, with decadent lighting throughout. It was the biggest venue I'll have performed in by far. Light browns and tans incrusted the wooden interior all around. Even after several rehearsals I was in awe ever time I turned the corner. Suddenly I snapped back to reality as Paula pulled my arm even harder.

"Careful that arm is going to be on stage for opening night in less than a month! Who is it you need me to see anywa-" I froze. Across from me stood some very VERY attractive guy talking to Vinny, the senior lighting tech.

"So then I said.. why don't you just take it mate!"

Brown hair strun with gold.. tan skin.. tall...adorable laughter. Looks to be around my age too... hmm and oh geez I read to many romance novels.

Already a crowd of other cast and crew members gathered around the Aussie as he continued his story. He had the whole crowd in the palm of his hand just like that.

"So... don't feel bad about coming over here after all?" Paula said leaning on my shoulder, "so.... you gonna go talk to him or should I?"

"I-I don't know..."

"We can head back if you want (Y/N) I'm not forcing you, I know you're last relationship didn't exactly end well." She gave me a soft smile of reassurance.

The darkness of the backstage felt even darker. Talking to attractive.. loud.. confident people... well let's just say.. it's not my strongsuit. When I was on the stage it was different, I was someone else.. but here? I preferred to stay in my own space. I could feel my throat tighten and my head get light, "I'm sorry I can't do it, not right now. I can't get myself all freaked out in the middle of rehearsal..."

"G'day ladies. I don't believe I've had the pleasure yet... name's Graham Calloway.. pleasure."

Graham pov, before rehearsal

Once I got here I thought everything was supposed to be.. different.

All my life I've looked for somewhere to belong and when I took a gig to be trained by the best of the best in electrical a viable career in sight. Plus I get to stay in the capital of my beloved outback. But it still felt like something was missing.

Of course that wasn't the only thing.

It started as a necessity, taking little things here and there just to make ends meet. I felt bloody horrible at first but then, it didn't seem to matter as much. 

I found that my skills as an electrician also aided in other matters. A quick switch of light, a jolt of energy, it was always enough of a distraction to get away with taking a thing.. or two.

I looked down at my daks and pulled out my phone,
"Crikey another one?" I thought.

For weeks now I've been getting strange messages from this organization called "Vile." Everything they sent was cryptic and probably illegal. It took a week to even figure out the name Vile through the mess of text. I thought about just blocking the number assuming it was a scam.

But some voice in my head was telling me not to, they spoke of "grand opportunity" and stacks of cash on the daily. Needless to say I was intrigued.

I stepped into the opera house as always 5 minutes late and in need of a coffee.

Today was the first technical rehearsal for the season's finest opera La Traviata.

I strode back by Vinny to check on the lights and make sure all the electrical was in order.

"Graham my boy!"

Vinny inbraced me in a rush of a hug,
"G'day to you too Vincent.."

The oaf of a man stood back, he was balding but couldn't be a day passed 50. He wore a too tight suit and a smile across his face like the sun.

"Graham cheer up! Abundance is in your future."

"If you mean the Abundance of bills stacking up then your right.. my rent just went up." I sighed.

"But you have been getting the signs no? I've seen what you can to and told them you'd be perfect for the school..."

"What are you going on about mate?"

"Everyone to your places we're rolling back curtains in a minute!"


I wasn't typically overly invested in the shows but it was all different when I saw her.

She somehow commanded attention with every note, the opera was in Italian so I had no idea what she was singing but it sure was ... lovely.

Maybe it's just all in my head but- maybe I should try to talk to her after this... just.. just for a second. Just to see what she's like.

I couldn't get her voice out of my head it was like a growing melody... or a deadly poison.

BOOM BOYSSS CHAPTER 1 IS DONE SON! So sorry for any timeline or small inconsistencies I'm gonna be honest I didn't do much planing with this one OPPS but thanks for reading y'all!! I'll try to update soon :) -goldie out

Storm of Hearts: Graham Crackle x Reader: Carmen Sandiego 2019Where stories live. Discover now