Chapter 4: The Stranger

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About one year later

I gazed into the darkness and lingered there for a moment trying to catch my emotions. My mind focused as tears began to trickle like blood down my cheek. I let out a hollowed breath before pacing back,
"And if I am to die. Then let it be, I have no need for fate anymore."

I took the prop gun in my hand and pointed it first out, then at my head as the loud boom rushed through the theatre.

The crowd burst into applause as the curtains lowered and I walked off stage.

"(Y/N) you killed it out there!" Paula said rushing up to me.

"Thanks.. now help me wipe these tears off so I can make curtain call!"


In a short year my theatre career had taken off, I had done musicals, operas, and plays. Finally, everything was going my way. Currently I was playing a housewife turned murderer in a new play called, "The Dove of Venice"  at a theatre in Dublin.

Even though we just opened I already felt completely immersed in the plot. Every time I took to stage it was like I was chasing a flame, one I could never really catch. But still the itch was still there, it rushed through my veins like the breath in my lungs. Unfortunately for me, the time to find it was running out.

Our theatre was hosting a charity performance of the play in less than a week and I was determined to have a perfect show.

So far we're getting  rave reviews so the charity night was completely sold out. This just gave me more reason to worry about the show. But at least Paula is in the crew so we've been able to catch up. I hadn't seen her since- that show. The one where everything changed. La Traviata was my big break but still whenever it crossed my mind, so did he.

"Let. Her. Go. She didn't do anything I'm the one you want."

That night covered my mind like blood on a decaying corpse. My fear,my horror, all of it, but for some odd reason he seemed to be the one thing clear amidst the storm.

I barely knew him, I had barely even seen him before he disappeared to who knows where. He could be dead for all I knew. But some strange thing inside me wanted to find him and perhaps if he needed it- save him.

Just like he saved me.


Vile Island, Graham Pov, Later that week

"Do you think you can handle it Crackle?"

I looked at the mess of maps, newspaper reports, and magazines before me.

Charity event at local theatre deemed the fashion event of the year

Stars prepare to wow at sold out play for a good cause

Socialite Britney O'Reilly rumored to wear custom couture jewelry worth thousands this Saturday

"Its not like you've given me much choice here mate." I chuckled cracking a smirk.

A faint smile crossed Countess Cleo's lips,
"Splendid, the show is tomorrow night. You are to get in and out before a soul leaves that theatre. I need this piece for my collection, do not disappoint me."

I stood there awkwardly for a moment,
"So.. what do I do in the mean time mate?"

"Get prepared you baboon. I don't care just get out of here I'm having a luncheon and I don't need vermin running around. And don't change Dash's plans, without them you'll stand out like a thorn. Am I clear?"

"Crikey you never go easy on me do you?" She stared at me blankly, "Defo, I'll get the job done don't worry your pretty little head mate."

I stepped outside of Countess Cleo's office and was throughly relieved I had made it out without full on fainting.

It had been 2 days since I had gotten stuck with this caper all by myself and I already felt exhausted.

Originally the Countess was planning on going with Dash but after finding out about the immense electrical present in the building just days before the event took place, the right bugger got passed to me.

So all the information I typically planned days in advance had been given to me with no hope of changing.

I tried not get too racked off, the plans for the caper I had been given had Dash written all over them. Not only was I apparently supposed to wear some outrageous tux but try to somehow at the same time be the "star of the evening" but also slip out unnoticed.

But there was one thing I was looking forward too.

I pulled out a piece of torn newspaper from my pocket,

Cast for all star play includes (Y/N) (L/N) who recently won an award for her performance in La Traviata last year.

I had found the article yesterday during researching, hen I read her name I almost thought it was some kind of sick joke.

"(Y/N)..." I muttered, "My favorite stranger."

I remembered that night the back of my hand, the fear in her eyes, the pain, the relief. I remembered how her hands trembled like thunder. I remembered her soft "thank you" before running off, away into the dust of my old civilization life. I barely knew her but I liked to think she still remembered me.

What would she think of me now?

I looked down at my hands, the hands of a thief. I had become what she warned me not to. I had graduated from Vile and didn't look back. I stopped feeling sorry for those I stole from- just wishing they had more.

She was the last person to see "Graham Calloway" I was Crackle now, through and though.

And there was no going back.

WOOOP WOOOOP ANOTHER ONE IN LA BOOK, hope you enjoy as always- took some liberties with the time line and just kinda made up a caper to fit the plot but-- that's the fanfic way I suppose! Tysm for the support and comments I love reading them! Next chapter should be the start of the caper!!

Storm of Hearts: Graham Crackle x Reader: Carmen Sandiego 2019Where stories live. Discover now