𖠵 requests !! [closed]

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requests are :: closed

   𖠵 form !i
╰► name/preferred name?

╰► what facts do you want to include?
        (ex. zodiac, age, d.o.b, quote, pronouns, gender)

╰► how long should it be?
       ( short, medium, long)

╰► theme? (ex. cotton candy themed)

╰► emojis to include? (ex. 🩹📎🐰, or none)

╰► any quotes/song lyrics?
       (ex. why do you call me, tell you want me back, or none)


╰► finally, what style? (ex. soft, messy,minimalistic)
feel free to add examples

request here!
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batch 𖠵O2 !!
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when i'm done with your bio⸝⸝
i will tag you. @bignderful

short bios take about 20 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the style.
medium bios take about 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the style.
long bios take 2 hours to one day depending on the style.
the more complex it is⸝⸝ the longer it will take.
it's also based on my motivation.

i have face to face classes on wednesdays n fridays.
i also have online classes on monday, chamorro
central time.

𖠵  NICHE bio shop ! 🎨Where stories live. Discover now