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Bethany's POV

This was it. It was the last week I might ever see him again. Derek. Throughout this competition, he was always there for me like a best friend. But I couldn't say he was just a friend. Something in me hated to hear that word, and I just felt so much more towards him. It's not like a crush, it's stronger. Wait, am I falling for Derek? No I can't be, right? I mean he is ten years older than me, and I have never had a real relationship before. I can't be falling for him! I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Derek. "Hey Beth, you okay? You totally just zoned out on me!" He said chuckling. "Haha, I was just thinking. Let's keep practicing." I say. Rehearsals for today finish, and they went pretty well. As I'm about to leave the studio Derek asks me if I would like to have dinner with him, Sadie, and Mark. I happily reply saying yes to his question, smiling. "There's that dimple!" He said poking my dimple, that was now even deeper because of my bigger smile if that's even possible. "Okay I will pick you up at 7:30 Beth! See you later alligator!" Sometimes you'd think he was the younger one. Gosh he was so cute.

Derek's POV

I gave Bethany a little break in rehearsal today. I can't believe this is my last week with her! I don't know, she just felt different than all my other partners. I put that thought aside as I realizing I was staring at her for five minutes. "Bethany?" Looks like she was zoned out. I wonder what she could be thinking about. I lightly tap her shoulder and say "hey Beth, you okay? You totally just zoned out on me!" She starts laughing and says that she was just thinking. Rehearsals went great today and as she is about to leave I ask her if she would like to go out to dinner today with Sadie and Mark. She replies yes as her dimple is showing. Gosh how I'm going to miss that dimple.

I got home and Mark was in the living room. I still had two hours before I had to go pick up Beth. I went upstairs to the balcony and just started to think. My thoughts trailed off to Bethany. She is so beautiful, but she is only 19. I don't know, she is just really mature for her age, but at the same time she still keeps that silly youth to her that I love. It brings out the best in me. Wait, hold up Derek. Are you seriously saying this! I keep repeating in my mind that it's never going to happen and that I am just a big brother to her. My thoughts were soon cut off by footsteps behind me. Mark says "are you okay? You looked like you were on a different planet."He said chuckling. "I was just thinking" I reply. "Care to share your thoughts? Wait let me guess, it was about Bethany." He said smirking. Wow he knew me better than I knew myself. "No! Why would you think that." I lie. "Oh Derek it's so obvious! Whenever you think or talk about her you have the biggest smile and then you start blushing." Mark says pointing at my face that was now red as a tomato. " Look Mark I am just confused. I don't know how to feel about her. I have this weird feeling and I don't know what it is." Mark throws a pillow at me. " Derek it's not rocket science! " He nearly shouts. "What do you mean Mark?" I say. Mark replies "I am going to make you figure this out yourself. Hmmm okay start with the things you like about her." "Okay... Well I like how she is always smiling and is so optimistic. I like how she inspires people. I like her dimples and her beautiful hair. I love how she can always make me smile. I love... Her." I whispered and my face even more red if possible. "See! You said it! You are soooo falling for Bethany. I could see you guys lasting a long time." Mark says. "Oh shut up Mark, and go take a shower you stink."

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