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Bethany's POV

I took a shower then went to change. I tried out atleast five dresses until I found the perfect one. It was black with lace on the back. I then picked out the perfect pair of blue heels to go with it. I carefully did my makeup and curled my hair. Why was I trying so hard to look good for tonight? Was it for Derek? I shrugged my shoulders and went downstairs waiting for him to pick me up. The door bell rang and I ran to answer it. He looked so handsome. Wait he brought me flowers? Aww that's so sweet. "Wow... You look beautiful Beth..." Derek said as he handed me the flowers. "Thank you Der. And you don't look too bad yourself." I replied looking down blushing. We laughed as we walked down to his car and he opened the door for me. The car ride there took about half an hour, and we mostly just sang together to whatever was on the radio. It was amazing. We walked down to a restaurant I have never heard before. We walked in and I was amazed, it was so beautiful and no one was there. Derek and I sat down in silence, but it was the good kind of silence, the kind you want to saver. After a minute Sadie and Mark walked in. I practically ran over to Sadie, excited to see her because she became my best friend on the show.



"Hey Sadie can I ask you something?" "Sure Beth what is it?" She said while taking a sip of her frappichino. "I think I might like like Derek... But I don't know for sure. It's a weird feeling I have never felt before, and I know I could trust you Sadie." "I knew it!" She almost shouted across the starbucks. "Wait how? Is it obvious?" I said nervously. "No not really, but I can just see love shining from your eyes whenever you see Derek. And I can see it in his too." She smirked. "Oh please I don't love him, I don't even know if I have crush on him!" Sadie just rolled her eyes smiling.


They sat down at our table and immediately engaged us all in a conversation. We were laughing at a joke Mark had made. The waitor then came over to take our order. Damn he was hot, but ofcoarse he couldn't compare to Derek. As it's finally my turn to order he says "And what would this beautiful woman like to order?" I started blushing and told him thank you along with my order. Afterwards he told me that he watches my videos on Youtube and that he is a big fan. I say thank you so much and he leaves. Right when he leaves Sadie smirkes and says "Beth he so likes you! He was flirting with you like no tomorrow, and aren't your videos on Youtube for fashion and makeup? Because he certainly doesn't watch it for that." We all burst out in laughter... Except for Derek. He looked kind of angry, but why? I look over at him and flash a smile and soon he starts smiling too after realizing he was frowning. The waitor comes over with our food with a note on my plate. Sadie pulls the note off reading it aloud, "hey what is your number? Do you want to have dinner with me Saturday night?"

Derek's POV

I couldn't stop staring at Bethany the whole night, she was so beautiful. I think Mark had noticed because he kept smirking and wiggling his eyebrows towards me. We started laughing at a comment Mark had made until the waitor came over, and he couldn't stop checking out Beth. Then he starts flirting with her! At this point I am furious and ready to punch the guy. I think Mark noticed as he gave me a 'are you drunk?' look. Bethany looks over at me concerned and flashes her beautiful smile, and soon the corner of my lips curve upward too. Sadie and Mark keep making jokes about the guy as Bethany laughs harder and harder. But I couldn't laugh. I had already established that I have feelings for Bethany, but I have never felt this before. Was I jealous? Oh you bet I was. As the waitor came back with our food there was a note on Bethany's plate, Sadie ripped it off and read it aloud. It said "hey what is your number? Do you want to have dinner with me Saturday night?" I immediately grew furious and exclaimed "you can't go Saturday night, we have rehearsals." Mark whispered to me telling me to calm down, as my jealousy was obvious. Sadie wrote down Bethany's number and ran to give it to the waitor. Bethany and Mark started laughing as I attempt to chuckle, as Sadie comes back and tells Bethany "thank me later." We end up sharing all of our food and order a slice of cheescake to share. I get some onto the fork and ask Bethany if she wanted a bite. She said "ofcoarse it's cheesecake!" We all started laughing as I put the piece of cheesecake in her mouth, and she replied with a yummmm. The waitor comes over and immediately says "oh I'm so sorry Bethany, i didn't know you were dating Derek!" Bethany immediately replies saying "No, no, no he is like a brother to me! He is one of my best friends." Ouch. That hurt. A lot. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom to wash my face as I was more red than ever. We went back and I said that we better get going so we can get enough sleep for tomorrow, but the truth was that I couldn't stand seeing the waitor flirt with Beth anymore. I drive Bethany home, and the car ride was long and awkward. She left and gave me a hug as I kissed her cheek. Her face turned a rosy color as she thanked me and walked into her house. I drove home and as I walked in Mark was sitting there saying "you have a lot of explaining to do Derek. Why were you acting like that?" Boy was I in for a long night.

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