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Tommy shuffled his way around his small house, throwing items in random chests as he went along, his brows furrowed. Wilbur had told him about a country he had started, L'Manburg, and how he was interested in recruiting Tommy, so he was supposed to meet with Wilbur outside of the newly built walls at noon. Tommy was just getting his stuff ready to head off, when he glanced out the window of his door, he saw someone walking down the path towards L'Manburg. It was someone he very much disliked, Tubbo. Tommy scowled and finished sorting out his inventory before heading towards L'Manburg himself, praying to any gods out there that Tubbo was not heading there as well. Tommy and Tubbo had a very unsavory relationship, they began to hate eachother from day one. Tommy had approached Tubbo, offering him a stone pickaxe, which Tubbo took happily, only for it to break immediately, causing Tommy to laugh. Tubbo hadn't taken too kindly to the gesture and decided to get back as Tommy by filling up his water bucket with blue dye, causing Tommy to plummet to his in-game death. This sparked the flames of their fast growing hatred for eachother, things continued to escalate until others stepped in finally. The two now avoid eachother as much as possible.

Tommy made it to the walls of L'Manburg to see Wilbur speaking to Tubbo, who was smiling. Tommy pouted, walking over to the pair and interrupting them, "Hey Wilbur, I'm here!" Tubbo gave him a sideways glare and opened his mouth to say something, but Wilbur cut him off, "It's about time!" Wilbur then turned so he could face the pair, "Welcome to L'Manburg." The taller man turned and entered the large walled in area, Tommy and Tubbo following close behind. "This is where you guys will be living," Wilbur gestured to the whole of L'Manburg before continuing, "You will be soldiers to this quickly growing nation, you will fight by my side and you may even become my right hand man!" Wilbur sounded enthusiastic as he explained things to the pair.

After about an hour, the tour was done, "Will I have to work with this bitch?" Tommy asked, pointing a thumb towards Tubbo, who looked annoyed. "Uh-" Wilbur paused momentarily, "You two are literally the only soldiers L'Manburg has, so you'd better straighten things out between the two of you so you can work together." He took a deep breath before finishing, "I have decided that any time you two bicker, you will be punished. Though it's not favorable, you will be put in the 'stockades'." Wilbur pointed towards a few dark boxes in the corner of the small nation. Tommy sighed and Tubbo huffed before he asked, "Where are we sleeping? Or do we just go back to our homes?" Wilbur put a finger to his chin, lost in thought for a few moments, "I shall build a house for you two." Tommy huffed and went to turn away, but Wilbur stopped him, "Wait a minute." He briskly walked off into a nearby building and came back moments later with two uniforms. "You two will be wearing these. When you're done putting them on, please go and help Niki finish building the back wall, I have matters I must attend to." He said, tying to act all professional. Tommy took the uniform, mumbling something under his breath, whereas Tubbo took it nicely and said "Thank you Wilbur." The two then went in different directions to change into their uniforms.

Tubbo had always been kind, it was like his trademark, unless it came to Tommy that is, he held a strong dislike for the fiery young man. Tubbo always made sure to use his manners and be kind to others, he was even occasionally kind to Tommy, who would normally scoff and walk off. Tubbo was a nice young man, Tommy on the other hand? Not so much. Tommy had always been rude to others, only occasionally being kind in rare moments, and only to certain people. The teen felt as though being rude made him look tough, when in reality, it only made him look like a rude fool.

Tommy slid off his shoes and began to take off his shirt when he took another glance at the uniform, it reminded him of those revolutionary uniforms he had seen in pictures, it had the shoulder gaurds, buttons, and even strap that the ones in pictures had. Tommy smiled before fully taking off his shirt and slipping on the white long sleeve shirt that was with the uniform, it was comfortable, it even had button up, foldable sleeves. Tommy finished changing into the uniform and headed out of the building and towards the back wall where he had been instructed to go. When he reached the wall, Tubbo was already there, halfway up the wall and adding to it. Tommy frowned and found Niki, who held the supplies he needed, "What do you want me to do?" He asked. Niki looked at him, "Uhm, you could bring these up to Tubbo," she said, handing him more materials. Tommy nodded and began to scale the walls using any foot and handholds he could find. When he reached the top, he approached Tubbo, "Here." He said, gruffly throwing the materials at the shorter boy. Tubbo nodded and took the supplies, "Anything you want me to help with?" Tommy asked begrudgingly. Tubbo nodded, pointing to a crack in the wall, "Fill those." Tommy scowled, "You expect me to fill in cracks like a little kid???" Tubbo turned to him, confused, "No, if we don-" he was cut off by Tommy grabbing him by the collar of his uniform, "Shut the fuck up. I'm not going to be pushed around by some bitch." "I-" Tubbo started before being held over the edge of the wall, "Tommy! Stop!!" Niki's cries could be heard from below. Tommy brought Tubbo back onto the wall and threw him down, "Stay out of my way." Tubbo furrowed his brows and stood up, Tommy had his back turned to him, so it was the perfect opportunity. Tubbo punched Tommy in the back, causing him to stumble and almost fall off the wall, but Tubbo grabbed the back of his uniform, "Should I let you fall or will you shut up and do your share of the work?" He asked, watching Tommy start to panic. "I- never!!" Tommy barked, trying to grab Tubbo to no avail. Tubbo faked letting go of him, causing the teen to let out a small scream, "How about now?" Tommy started to nod vigorously, "Ok, Ok!! I'll do my share of the work!!" Tubbo pulled him back up to the top of the wall just as Wilbur arrived at the bottom of the wall. "You two better quit fighting! Remember the stockades???" Tubbo gulped and got back to work immediately, whereas Tommy grumbled and rubbed his neck where his shirt had cut into it when he was being dangled over the edge of the wall, he then started to fill in cracks. Wilbur stayed and watched them the rest of the time, making sure they didn't kill one another whilst Niki went and tended to those 'matters Wilbur had to attend to'.

War Changes People [A Tommy and Tubbo story]Where stories live. Discover now