Drare's Note

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I'm back!!!!
After a loooong time..
I'm so so so sorry for not updating.
I just went through something.

Got stressed.
Been in a hospital because I got Covid- Positive.
Been quarantined for a month.
But thankfully I'm ok now.

Fully vaccinated 💉
I hope you all are too.
It's better to be vaccinated because it will ease the side effects or infection if ever you'll get Covid.

Being a patient of Covid, I saw and experienced how brutal the virus is. Some say the virus is not true BUT no. It's totally true. My whole family was positive.
Can't go out of the house.
Me an my dad was in the hospital.
Seeing your father not waking up is a nightmare. Thank God he survived.

It will not just effect your health but will make you emotionally drain because of stress. The discrimination around you is also there.

So stay safe!
And always be happy with the ones around you. You really don't know. When life is at risk.

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