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" Hey Jen.. she's gonna be ok. Don't worry. Come'on. Don't be scared"

"No unnie.. I'm ...I don't like to see like that. I had enough of what I saw back then.."

"Hey.. don't be like that. Rosie don't like to see you like this Jen. The doctor said she'll wake up soon."

"Soon unnie?!"

"Yes soon. She's sleeping until now. I think because of the medicine"

"No.. unnie I'll just wait until she's ok. I don't like to see her on a hospital bed"

"(Took deep breath) ok Jen. Be safe on the road. See you at home."

The call ended..

I'm outside my car right now. Thinking wether I'll go home or I'll drop by the hospital. Well..turns out I will go straight home.

After what happened earlier, I lost all my energy. I didn't go to the hospital with them. I'm scared. It's like...I saw what happened to Rosie back then even though it's so different but the fact I was traumatized by seeing her in a weak and fragile  way. I just can't stand it.

I will just call unnie in any update of Ros-

"Excuse me"

"Aahh!!" I jumped because of shock.

Who wouldn't?

If you'll be greeted with a guy in all black that came from nowhere.

"H-hey Don't be scared. I just wanted to give you this" he handed me something..

It looks familiar..


It's my Chanel necklace. One of my favorites. I remember I lost it after a photoshoot. I even cried because I couldn't find it. It was a gift to me.

"Wait..how did you.."

"I saw on the floor in the studio..I remember I saw you wearing it. So I kept it and give it back. Well..sorry it was kinda late.. I was searching where you are." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"Thank you" that's all I could say. I don't know..I was so focused on looking at his face but I  couldn't see it.

He's wearing a face mask and a cap.

He looks like a murderer or something like that. I can only see his eyes.

I took what he handed. I was kind of surprised that his hand is so cold. Maybe because it's night.

"I'll go now. Nice to see you"
He was about to run but I called him.

"Wait!! "

He looked back at me again.

Oh God...

Those eyes...

"Who are you?"

He stared straight at me.
Why is his eyes are so...

"I'm no important person Miss Kim" and he disappeared.

What just happened?

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