Chapter 84

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"Bralyn!" I yelled from the laundry room as I sorted through our clothes.

Rolling my eyes I threw my bra down on the top of the pile while making my way out of the room and up the stairs.

"Bralyn!" I repeated.

I groaned as I heard her TV playing loudly from her room.

You would swear this girl was hard of hearing the way she would have the TV all loud.

I opened the door making her head snap my direction as she laid on her bed flat on her stomach.

"Bralyn I know you hear me calling you." I said while resting my hand on my hip.

"No, I didn't hear you." she said while turning her attention back to the TV.

"Well if you turn the TV down like I keep telling you then you would hear me."

She just ignored me while still paying attention to the TV as I crossed my arms over my chest, "I must not be here."

She smacked her lips and looked over at me making me raise an eyebrow, "I hear you."

"Well act like I'm standing here! I'm not dealing with your attitude today Bralyn I promise you I'm not so get yourself together before I do it for you."

She sat up and huffed her shoulders before dramatically slapping her hands on her lap, "Yes mom, I'm paying you attention."

I swear this little girl had her moms attitude.

It's like Diamond was living in her plus her own attitude.

Diamond 2.0

She's respectful for the most part but when it comes to asking her to do things it's like pulling teeth.

"Is there a problem? Something you need to get off of your chest?" I asked as she tilted her head to the side and twisted her lips.

Like she wanted to say something.

She's really 9 going on 19 for sure.

"Okay then, now come down here and help me fold these clothes." I said while turning around but I heard her speak making me turn my head around.

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