Part 3

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Todoroki POV
I can't believe it Bakugou has gone soft! I mean I expected him to buffer taller and meaner but boy was I wrong, from the time I hugged him he smelled like STRAWBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES ugh. I am panicking, I am so frustrated. Even weirder I felt jealous of Denki because he got to pick up Bakugou. I mean BAKUGOU like what is wrong with me. He just looks so cute ugh. I was so stuck in my thoughts I didn't notice that it was the end of the day, today was a half day so we got let off early. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to the common room, to be honest I didn't want to go to my dorm yet. I wouldn't say it out loud but, I missed these guys. As I turned my key to get into the room I noticed I was the only one in the common room, I guessed everyone had went into their dorms. I sighed I really wanted to catch up some more with everybody. So I decided to put on a movie, I really like horror so I decided to have a horror movie marthon. I was almost half way through the movie at this point the lights were off. I suddenly heard the stairs creak, someone is coming down I got up and flipped the light switch so I could see who it was. I was not prepared for Bakugou to come down the stairs. He looked ADORABLE. His hair was a mess but it still looked fluffy per usual, but really got to me was what he was wearing. He had an pink oversized sweatshirt on, that went to his knees, I am guessing he wore white shorts underneath and had white bunny shin high socks on. I might pass out. "Oh, hey Icyhot sorry to scare you" even his voice sounded cute! 'No its okay, you feeling any better?' "Yeah thanks for asking, whatcha watching?" I turned around to look at the TV. 'Oh I am just watching IT' I turned back to look at him " You care if I join you?" I was so excited UGH movie night.....WITH BAKUGOU. 'Yeah, sure' I thought he was going to come down, but instead he went to the kitchen and started making something. I found it odd but didn't protest, I sat back on the couch and watched the movie while I waited, it was about 30 minutes until he came back down. As soon as I saw him I THOUGHT I WOULD DIE, HE IS CARRYING TWO BOWLS OF COLD SOBA. COLD SOBA. AHHH. He even brought cake, strawberry from what I could tell. I literally wanted to kiss him. All seriousness. He handed me the bowl and chopsticks with an adorable smile on his face. It made my heart melt "I always seeing you eating cold soba so I thought maybe I should make some!" I love him, have my babies, I- cut the cameras dead ass. I didn't know how to respond to this amount of cuteness so I just nodded with a goofy grin on my face. The next movie was already on this one was probably the scariest one.
Bakugou POV
I made the cold soba it really wasn't any problem, my mom taught me how to cook when I was really little, truth was I always had a talent for cooking, but I always cooked in my dorm kitchen. I turned to watch the movie, I was not excited to watch a horror movie but I saw the way Todoroki liked the movie so I decided to just suck it up and watch the movie, I started getting really scared I hope he doesn't notice. I was pretty good at keeping it together until there was a jump scare and I jumped up and scooted closer to Icyhot. I didn't mean to but I didn't want to look at the movie yet.
Todoroki POV
So we finished our cold soba and took a second to let our stomachs rest. We were watching the movie and the really scary part was about to come on (personally its my favorite part) don't judge I just like scary things. When it came on I was surprised to hear a yelp come from next to me next thing I know I have Bakugou super close and hiding his head in the couch cushion next to me. I wanted to laugh until I saw how scared he was. He looked so cute but I didn't like him scared. I grabbed the blanket and put over him "Than-k y-ou Sh-ot-o" he stuttered. OMG I AM PROBABLY BLUSHING SO HARD. Wait did he just call me Shoto omg I am in love, I need him to love me, pick me 😔 lol I just thought he would be funny in his thoughts so I hesitatingly put my hand on his head to push his head into my shoulder. I expected protest but he just lowered his face into my shoulder. He looked adorable, I snuggled up to him and we watched the rest of the movie. A lot of scary parts showed up so I was surprised there was no more yelps from Bakugou. I looked over to check on him to see he was asleep. I didn't want to wake him up he just looked so peaceful. I turned off the TV and carefully slipped from under him. As I was walking to go to my dorm I heard him mutter "Stay, please" I was about to die of a heart attack. I slowly slipped next to him. He had his back facing me (Todoroki was big spoon obviously). I was still a little dense until he turned around and snuggled his face into my chest, his arms around my waist. Omg I'm melting, I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders and put my hands in his hair. IT WAS SO FLUFFY, I slowly felt myself drifting off into sleep. 

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