𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 : ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔟𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔭𝔬𝔱

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"This woman doesn't understand at all" Annalise watched the detective named Ellen Yin. "She just think the Batman will no longer save the city" she rest her cheek on her hand while watching the video on the large screen of her computer. "But now he's back again."

The butler looked down at his watch then turn back to her "it seems that it's time for you to prepare for the party, Miss Whitney" "Whose party, exactly?" Anna glanced over her shoulder to look at her butler who look back at her and replied,

"The Billionaire of Wayne Industries, Bruce Wayne."

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A White Covini C6W car made it's way inside the gate of Wayne manor and drive in front of the red carpet. The car opened by raising itself up as the person come out. The people were shocked and surprised to see a familiar woman while the paparazzis took photos of a woman who was famous for being a billionaire industrialist.

 The people were shocked and surprised to see a familiar woman while the paparazzis took photos of a woman who was famous for being a billionaire industrialist

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A woman had a soft smile on her face as the driver of hers closed the car's door and drive to the other place to park. She made her way inside the manor while the paparazzis still taking photos of her walking on the red carpet. As she entered the manor, she heard loud music from the living room so she went there and opened the door. There was flashing colorful lights in the living room and people were dancing, drinking or chatting. She walked in the living room while looking around, watching a few people who were having fun.

"Hello, miss" she turn her head to see a butler with a mustache who held a tray with one hand. "Would you like some shrimp puffs?" He asked politely. He couldn't see that her eyes glows a bit because of the flashing lights. 'Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's trustworthy butler who work for his family for years before Bruce's parents passed away and take care of him when he was a child' she thought. After realizing that he was waiting for her answer, she gave him a smile and took one shrimp puff. "Thank you" she thanked him and looked around the room while eating after the butler walked away.

"Hey there" she glanced over her shoulder to see a familiar billionaire and the owner of Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne. "Are you here alone?" He asked with his charming smile. "What do you think?" She crossed her arms, still holding a half eaten shrimp puff while looking at him with her smile that look almost like a flirty smirk. "Heh, I just thought I could give a company to a lady like you" he chuckled. "What's your name?" "Anna" she introduced herself to him. "So-"

"Bruce Wayne!" Both of them turn their head towards a male voice that belongs to a short man in a suit and had a cane in his hand, behind him was two asian women dressed in traditional japanese clothes with heavy makeup. "King of the castle, ruler of the roost!" He said. "Have we met?" Bruce and the man shook each other hands. "Cobblepot. Oswald Cobblepot... of the new casual Cobblepots but call me Ozzy" he introduced himself to him. "We have a lot in common, you and I. We're young, rich and handsome."

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