-Twenty Nine-

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Cassie sat in her dorm with the Weasley-Potter girls except Lucy and Molly. They were buzzkills. They were planning the big prank against Alice. Rose sighed. "Cassie, you're head girl. You're suppose to be stopping them." Cassie looked over at Rose. "Rose, Alice wants to push me off the staircases. That can kill the baby." 

Roxanne smiled. "Alright, so I was thinking we slip her Amortenia for a hippogriff." Roxy offered up. Cassie and Dom shook their heads. "No, that's a step too far. How about we just humiliate her in front of the school and McGonagall will think it was the guys." Lily pointed out. Dom nodded. "Humiliation is Alice's worst fear." Cassie thought for a minute. "That could work," Cassie whispered. Rose shook her head. "No, Cassie that's just down right mean." Cassie sighed. "We wouldn't actually do it. C'mon we all know she's the one to hold accountable for having people call me a slut and my food turning into baby doll limbs as soon as it touched my plate." 

Dom's brows furrowed. "But how do we humiliate her?" She asked. Lily thought for a minute, tapping her finger against her chin. "How about we give her a poly juice potion?" Lily asked. Cassie grinned, shifting. "That wouldn't work. We couldn't transform her into someone humiliating enough and we can't do an animal, that's dangerous. How about we give her a potion that will make her quack for weeks?" Cassie asked. "She really wants to push you down the stairs?" Rose asked. Cassie nodded. "According to Dom." 

Rose sighed. "Fine but the potion takes a few weeks to brew." Cassie grinned. Rose sighed shaking her head. "I'll break into the potions classroom tonight and steal the ingredients and start the potion right away." Rose stated. Cassie grinned and poked Rose's arm. "Oooo, someone's turning bad." Rose glared at her. "And who's fault is that? I have to go. Me and Scorpius are hanging out." Rose climbed off the bed and walked to the door. 

"Be safe and use protection. My dad doesn't need anymore grandkids!" Rose rolled her eyes and walked out. "We should go too, Roxy. Molly promised us she'd study with us for Transfiguration." Roxy and Dom walked out leaving Lily and Cassie alone. 

Lily never liked Cassie and Cassie knew that. If anything Lily hated Cassie more now after cheating on Albus and breaking his heart. Cassie had tried to be her friend at first but decided that she shouldn't force her into anything. 

"You can go too, Lily. It's alright if you don't have an excuse. I understand." Cassie whispered. Lily looked up at her and then down at her stomach. "So you really think it's a boy?" Lily asked, ignoring Cassie. Cassie nodded. "I think so. I think it's a little boy with James' hair and my eyes." Lily nodded and stared at her lap. Cassie sighed. "You don't have to do this, Lily. I know you don't like me." 

Lily glanced up. "You find out the gender next week right?" Cassie sighed and nodded. She was getting kind of annoyed that she was ignoring her. "Did James put you up to this? You don't have to listen to him. I'll lie for you." Lily nodded. "He did." Cassie shook her head. "I swear that man has zero boundaries." Lily looked up. "I know right. It's unbelievable and the fact that he doesn't know how to knock." Lily complained. Cassie nodded. "Right, the amount of times that man has walked in on me using the bathroom. I wish the door had a lock." 

Lily giggled. "He's walked in on you using the bathroom?" Cassie nodded. "Yes and taking showers and baths. Last week he just ripped the shower curtain open to ask me what I wanted for lunch. I thought I was about to die naked." Lily giggled some more. "One time he walked in on me and Lorcan kissing." Cassie shifted. "Oh, just kissing?" She asked. Lily nodded. "Well we were making out before." And suddenly Cassie felt uncomfortable. "Lily, you and Lorcan have only been kissing right?" Lily nodded frantically. "Yes. Sex is scary." Cassie chuckled and nodded. "It is, it's very scary. Don't do it." Cassie told her. Lily sighed. "Don't worry. I won't for a long time." 

Cassie smiled. "Lily, do you want to stay in here and have dinner with me and James tonight? We usually have dinner in here since people found out." Lily shrugged. She was trying to play it off as cool. "Yeah. I'll stay." Cassie grinned. "Lovely. James should be back soon." 

"So my dad told me that when schools over you and James are moving in together." Lily whispered. Cassie nodded. "We are. You're welcome to stop by anytime you like, I know how close you and James are." Lily smiled. "Really? You won't mind?" Cassie shook her head. "Not at all. Besides, I'll need the company. I don't want to spend all my time with the baby." Lily smiled. "Alright, I'll make sure too." 

Cassie felt a kick and she beamed. "Lily, the baby just kicked." Lily leaned forward. "Really?" Cassie nodded and grabbed Lily's hand. She placed it on her stomach and they both waited a few seconds before there was a small kick against Lily's hand. Lily's face lit up. "Oh my Merlin. That's wonderful." Cassie nodded. "It is. I'm excited, are you?" Lily nodded. "I can't wait to be an aunt. I want it to be a girl." Cassie smiled. That was the first time she heard someone say they wanted the baby to be something instead of them saying they think, other than James. "Everyone excepts for James thinks it's boy. Please tell me he didn't rope you into the betting pool." Lily shook her head. "No but he tried." Cassie scoffed. "He's a dead man walking." 

Lily and Cassie had spent two hours just talking and it had been great. Cassie had felt Lily starting to warm up to her and that made Cassie extremely happy. She had wanted to be close with the girl when she was with Albus and now that she was having a Potter it just made her want it so much more. 

"Hello, Love," James walked over and pressed a kiss to Cassie's cheek. "Lily, what a surprise seei-""Save it." Cassie said, sternly. James groaned. "You ratted me out?" He asked. Lily nodded. "Sorry. She knows all." James sighed and looked down at Cassie.

"I'm sorry I'm so late. Quidditch practice ran late." Cassie chuckled. "James, you're the captain." James nodded. "Yes and we need to beat Hufflepuff," James sat down next to Cassie. "What do you want for dinner, love?" James laid his hand on Cassie's bump and Cassie smiled, biting her lip. James shot forward as a kick connected with his hand. "Bloody hell. That was a kick!" He shouted, looking to Cassie. Cassie nodded. "He kicked earlier. Lily felt it." Cassie told him. James cleared his throat. "She." Cassie sighed. He really did have his heart set on it being a girl. He wanted it to have his hair and everything else of Cassie's. 

Cassie sighed. "Potter, for the last time-""I think it's a girl, so does Teddy and Victorie, blondie." Cassie rolled her eyes. "Lily wants it to be a girl." James nodded. "I do too." Cassie sighed. "Yeah but Lily doesn't want it to spite me." James' jaw dropped. "I specifically remember saying that I wanted a girl first. Perhaps you're doing it to spite me. Seems right doesn't it?" Cassie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Potter."

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