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"pass the potatoes mum." Hugo said nonchalantly. Hermione didn't respond though as she was pouring over the only book in the house with information on time turners. "Mum. Potatoes. Please." Rose nudged her young mother having learned how to tune in her brother even whilst pouring over a book herself.

"Huh... what? Oh... here." She passed them without looking up.

"Wow. So no comment? No 'you shouldn't eat so much Hugo'?"


"Nothing is going to distract her from a book." Ron said making a face right next to her.

"Don't think I didn't see that face Ronald. I am not that oblivious."

"Isn't she like this in the future?"

"Well yes. Mum reads a lot but-"

"She worries more about my 'health' or some rubbish like that."

"She worries too much about Ron's health to also have to worry about yours." Ginny joked. At that exact moment Hermione absentmindedly smacked Ron's hand away from grabbing an extra piece of the bacon they had brought out from yesterday's breakfast.

"Well at least that's normal." Rose commented.

"So in these books it says it's only possible for a time turner to go back years with a rare... dark charm, the retro annis charm."

"A dark charm?" Mr. Weasley asked suspiciously.

"Only dark wizards would be in possession of such an object." Remus said as he pointed his wand at the kids's faces. All those of the past started moving away suspiciously or even pointed their wands themselves.

"Oh great." Lily huffed.

"This again." James added rolling his eyes.

"You guys seriously don't trust us yet?" Freddie asked looking specifically at his father and uncle.

"Yeah. Serious violation of prank code to not trust a fellow pranker." James added with a smile.

"we're in a war. Pranks don't matter." Harry answered for the twins.

"Seriously. If we were going to hurt you we already would have." Roxanne said with her hands on her hips.

"And we certainly would not have given our wands so freely." Hugo added.

"It's true. We could've overpowered you guys easily." Dominique added.

"And why would I have mentioned the charm if it could have implicated us."

"Rosie, don't use such big words." James complained. "We have enough to worry about without you using fancy words like implicate."

"Implicate is not a big word James. I know you know it so why are you pretending you don't.... and my name is Rose not Rosie."

"Ugh! For Merlin's sake Rose it's a joke. You have absolutely no sense of humor!... It's a miracle Scorpius even wants to date you!" James burst out. Rose froze and blanched white with her freckles becoming more noticeable. She looked down and seemed to draw back within herself, letting her mass of hair take over her face. She opened her mouth to say something, doubtless a snarky remark but instead closed her mouth and walked out of the kitchen.

Everyone's wands had gone down at this point except for Ginny and Hermione's.

"You bloody son of a witch!" Lily shrilled.

"How is that an insult? I am a son of a literal w- SQUAK!" His face had by a twist of Ginny's wand turned into that of a bird.

"Gin... I'm not sure..." Harry started but died out.

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