Chapter 13

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As we teleported back to the pack im standing at the middle of pack grounds with people walking.

They jump in fright when they saw the state that we are in.

Of course covered in blood from head to toe.

My smirk widen when i felt their fear oozing out of their every pores. The feeling of people fearing you makes me feel superior, powerful and of course undefeatable.

I walk my way to the pack house as if im not covered in blood. The smell of rouges blood filled the pack house as i entered.

The people jump to their feet from the couch when they smelled blood and of course the gasps of barbies when they saw my attire.

I keep my face emotionless as i stepped inside. The sound of footsteps from the stairs filled the silence in the living room.

I guess one them called the alpha. "Aria!! Why the fuck are you covered in blood and why are you with a witch?!" The fucking asshole did not just called me by my name. How dare he?!

I look at A class dumb bitch that have the courage to call me by my name. I glare at him with so much intensity that would make a person crawl back to where they came from. The people back away slightly.

"First of all Alpha Dean, if you fucking call me by my name again i will fucking cut your tongue out, Second i was attack with my acquaintance here so i bring her with me" i stressed his tittle more than I intended to

I didn't wait for whatever he was about to tell when i turn my back from them and made my way to my room with my head held high.

I turn back around "oh, and take care of my guest, she's trustworthy" the alpha look at me with his jaw hanging open and nod immediately

I made my way up the stairs to my room to take a shower.

I heard that the Alpha king is visiting packs and people are preparing for his arrival tomorrow. I don't know why I'm feeling giddy at the thought of King coming here and my wolf has been restless lately.

I finish my shower and walk out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body. Grabbing my clothes, I decided to wear a sweatpants and a black loose T-shirt.

Jumping in my bed I wrap the duvet around my small body as exhaustion take over my body my eyes starting to drop before darkness consume me i remembered her.


"My name is aria"...

" wow i like your name, mine is Eleanor"

"I like yours too, do you know that your name means in greek is shining light"

"Wow you speak greek? Thats so cool and i dont know what it means until now"

"To your question yes i speak greek"

"Okay, can you teach me some so i can sound cool?"

"Of course what do you want to know"

"Uhh, aha translate the fuck you"

I laugh at the words she want me to translate "okay 'skatá' "

"Thats it?" She asked bewildered "yeah what do you expect"

" well I thought it would be longer than my list of words"

" what about bitch?"


"Okay, skýla"

"Wow for a first timer you you kinda hit the pronunciation"

"Thanks" we eat our dinner in silence lost in our own thoughts. I can't believe they have banned me from the pack and throw me out like a fucking piece of shit, like my life doesn't matter at all. How did I survive that shitty pack? I don't know either.

But i will fucking make sure that they will fucking regret it. But what did i expect? All of them are so fucking cruel, the moment the moon goddess paired me with that manwhore, i lost my faith and hope to her.

Now all i have for her is deep repugnance. She is the cause of this shit that is happening to me, she can't even give me a mate.

I sigh at this turned of events until I finally dawned into realization. Im a rouge now and they didn't even bat me a second glance. I look up at the sky to see the bright moon staring back at me. I look at Eleanor who is sitting opposite me to see her staring at the sky too with tears slipping at her eyes.

I can see the emotions that swirling in them so many emotions that i cant read.

But there is one too familiar i have seen in her brown eyes. Pain.

Because i carry it in my eyes everyday when i look in the mirror.

I jolt up from my bed from my dream, more like a memory.

Sighing i blink my eyes rapidly to stop the tears from falling.

No, im not crying i promise to myself. I drag myself to the bathroom and made a mistake looking at the mirror.

There i see my reflection staring back at me, the one who have all her guards down leaving the vulnerable and pathetic me who have raw pain in her eyes, pain that will scare you to sleep, the emotional scars that i wish to forget.

If only i could block all my terrors or simply forget them. But I can't, they are part of me, my past shape the character of who i am right now. The character who become a monster.

Even if im the strongest and powerful alpha, I can't protect myself from myself. How sick is that? But i am thankful somehow to them because if not for them I wouldn't be where i am now, i would still be the pathetic and weak girl they though i am at the same time hating them for making me a monster that i sometimes wish im not.

But I won't forgive them even if i have to bring my resentment to my grave, i will not fucking forgive them.

The emotional scars they caused me will haunt me to death. And they are the one that caused it and i will never ever forgive them.

No one can chase my nightmares away not even me can

Or so I thought.

Hello guys,,, wow 3k thank u so much for reading this book.

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