Chapter 3

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Today is my 18th birthday and the day i find my mate. I don't know what to feel. Im anxious that he will reject me and at the same time happy to find him.

But my anxiousness is overweighting my happiness.

I hope my mate won't reject me. He's the only one who keep me alive and happy in my whole life.

Today is Alpha Dean birthday. The pack are excited to meet their luna. I would say me too but i know better.

Fast forward a day

We just finish cooking and putting everything in place. The party is already starting and still I can't find my mate.

After cleaning i stood at corner with other omegas, just then i was hit by the smell of fresh rain and strawberries my favourite smell.

'MATEE MATE MATE MATE..' My wolf keep chanting in finding my mate but i cant find him.

Then the announcer cleared his throat catching all our attention. Most of the girls are squealing thinking they are the alphas mate.

"Good evening my dear pack members the alpha just informed us that your luna is here please all unmates she wolves go to the right lining and the mated to the left"

We started making our way to the unmated when someone pushed me forcefully forward that made stumble forward. I let it go because i cant anything.

The alpha began and continue looking every girl, when he pass those who are assumed his mate they look really angry and upset.

Im the lasts here and the fresh rain and strawberries keeps getting stronger and thats when I realized the alpha is my mate.

The moon goddess really hates me. How could she paired me with him. He's my greatest tormentor. Oh goddess im sure he's going to rej...

"MATE" alpha Dean said to me while others gasp in disgust some snarl at me and glare at me. I look at him and saw different.

He extended his hand and i put mine to it feeling the tingles ran from my hands then spread through my body.

Instead of disgust i saw awe and love from his eyes but it soon disappeared and replaced by anger and disgust when he realized who i am.

"Moon of goddess really made a mistake by pairing me with you. I didn't think that i would be paired by a weak wolfless disgrace rouge,unfit luna and a murderer like you."

This made my eyes water his words struck to me stab me like a million times and shattered my only hope in life.

"Pleaseee don't reject me i will do everything you want just pleasseee your my only hope.."

"I Alpha Dean Black of Black Rose pack reject you Atria Delima as my mate and luna of this pack." He said

'Nooo' my wolf whimpered, others are eerily quite

'Its okay im sure we will be okay and he don't deserve us' i keep reassuring myself

More tears are freely falling from my eyes. I look up at him begging to take it back he only smirked at me.

I don't have choice but accept it.

'Don't worry we have each other he'll regret rejecting us' my wolf said angrily said

'Accept your demons Atria its the only thing that loves us they think your weak ugly disgrace, why don't we make them fear us make them see how strong u are, how powerful u are'  a voice said in my head

Ive been hearing that voice since i was a kid and stopped when i was 12 years old but I shrug it off. I feel like my wolf is being strained but I shrug it off again.

Every time this voice encourage me to let my demons out i always think of my mate because he's the only one that keeps me sane and this voice away.

Now i have no hope, no more dreams im broken beyond repair so why don't i give what this voice asks I don't have any thing to lose anyway.

'You'll be unstoppable, you'll be powerful, you will put them in there place shaking of fear, you'll be the one to look down on them, and you'll be there most terrifying nightmare' the voice said again

'Okay' i replied I don't have to care anymore

I give up. I guess happiness don't want me to be happy. The moon goddess is punishing me for I don't know what sin i made.

'Close your eyes and search at the endless darkness a cage that was nothing in but in black, embrace then Atria'

And that's what i did.

Hope you like it!!

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