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Stefan was on edge, especially because damon had gotten out and mary-anne was out of her grave. She was roaming around the town and he had no clue where to look for her but thankfully he didn't have to.

As soon as he entered the door with damon, he was pinned against the wall and a hand shot through him as she grabbed his heart.

"Mary-anne"he groaned, eyes widened in shock.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you?"she tells him and he looks her in the eyes.

"I'm the one....who woke you up"he said and her face softened before she pulled her hand out of his chest, licking the blood off her fingers and looking around.

"What's all the-"damon stopped mid sentence as soon as his eyes landed on mary-anne. He looked at stefan as his expression went cold.

"What did you do?"he asked his brother.

"Are you not happy to see me?"she asked him, quite hurt actually.

"The last time I saw you, you were being hung for experimenting on the local werewolves and vampires"damon said turning to her.

"Not my finest hour but falling for katherine wasn't yours either"she said with a smile and stalked further into the room.

"I did try and warn you about her though, you're not still trying to free her from the tomb are you?"she continued and turned to look at him but suddenly she was pinned to the wall.

Damon stared at her and searched her eyes, his hand coming to rest on her cheek and hold her face.

"I missed you"he said and she looked away,shaking her head.

"you don't act like it"she said and he sighed, looking down.

"I don't know what I feel"he said and she laughs, making him look at her confused.

"Almost 200 years and you're still clueless"she said and he shrugs.

"Not my finest hour"he said before he paused for a moment.

"Why'd you do it? You could've lived a normal life"he said, she instantly knew what he was talking about.

"Then I'd be dead by now"she tried to shrug it off.

"Seriously mary-anne"he said and she sighed before looking at him, shrugging again.

"I knew katherine had you two wrapped around her finger and I wanted her gone, being a basic witch wasn't enough so I wanted to be stronger"she told him honestly.

"Those were innocent people mary-anne"he said and pulled away.

"Is that what she told you? That they were innocent?"she asked him and he looked at her, of course that's what she told him.

"And you believed her, see that's what I'm talking about and after all these years you still believed her"she accused him.

"They made you seem like some serial killer, a bed time story used to scare the kids at night"he tells her and she spun around to look at him, her anger sparking.

"I was not! I did what I did for you and stefan!"she shouted at him.

"She never compelled me mary-anne"he tells her and she laughs.

"You think that's better? it's worse damon, she made you fall in love with a fake version of herself"she tells him and turned back around to face the fireplace.

"She's a monster"she said, looking down at the dress she was killed in.

"She was your best friend"he commented and she turned around again.

"Until I saw what she was doing to you and stefan, she got me killed damon"she tells him and he shakes his head.

"I love her mary-anne"he said and she shook her head, turning back around.

"you're an idiot"she laughs.

"You did the same thing mary-anne, you fell for me and stefan"he tried to accuse her, in his eyes katerina could do no wrong.

"Except my love for you both was real, everything I felt for you was real and that was the real me"she said, walking over to stand in front of him.

"Not some twisted version she made you believe"she said, looking down sadly.

"Why would she kill her best friend then?"damon had the audacity to ask.

"She doesn't care about anyone but herself damon, she got rid of me because I was a threat to her and she was losing her control over you and stefan"she explained, moving away from him.

"I don't care what you say about her, why would I listen to you? You killed vampires, you wanted her dead"he tells her and she looked at him again, her expression changing into one that frightened him. She looked absolutely lethal.

"if that's true then I should just kill you right now, rid this earth of your wicked ways and somehow I imagine that even in death katherine wouldn't care"she said and suddenly pushed him against the wall, hand wrapped around her throat.

"You wouldn't"he challenged her.

"You've made it clear that you don't care about me, I'm capable of some pretty horrendous things when I'm provoked if you hadn't noticed"she said as her eyes turned amber and black veins slowly trailed down her face.

Suddenly she pulled away and grinned, walking to the door before turning around.

"Don't provoke me ever again, next time you won't be so lucky"

She was gone the next second, damon looked over at stefan and stefan looked completely terrified.

"This is your fault, fix it before she kills us both"he said before walking to his room.

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