Thirteen- Not so joyful return

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I hadn't been home in a while. I'd been stuck in this hell whole for months. I was now 6 months pregnant. One of the staff members took me to one of the phone booths before standing on the opposite side, watching over me just in case.

Sadie: Millie? Where are you? Noah and I haven't seen you in ages. We thought you were dead.

Me: Y-Yeah...I'm here. I'm so sorry and no...I'm not dead. I'm in a boarding school because Timothee found out that he wasn't the father of my twins. Finn is.

Sadie: Oh my god. But that's not all...there's something else isn't there?

Me: Timothee told my father and he sent me away.

Sadie: Wait...when are you coming home?

Me: I don't know...but I'm coming come to get married to Timothee. I have no idea when, but as soon as I'm married to Timothee, I'll be put under his custody. He'll become the "father" of my babies.

Sadie: What about Finn?

Me: If-If you see him...can you please give him a message from me?

Sadie: Of course!

Me: I need him to know that I miss him. I love him. Me and the babies are fine. I don't know when I'll see him again. Tell him that I won't give up on us.

Sadie: Yeah. I'll definitely tell him. Oh-I'm sorry Millie but I have to go.

Me: O-Okay...bye.

Hanging up the phone, I walked off towards my room on the brink of tears.
Merely 2 days had passed before I heard a brief knock on my dorm room door. The other girls who inhabited the space weren't there so I answered it.

"Pack your bags and head down to the main office as soon as you can." The head of staff said as she swiftly walked away, her heels tapping against the floorboards.

Grabbing all of my belongings and clearing out my dorm space, I walked to the main office, my stomach twisting and feeling sick as soon as I saw him. Looks like Timothee was picking me up to bring me home for the wedding. With Timothee barely helping me, a 6 month pregnant girl now with a bigger stomach, into the car, I began to relax. He sat next to me, his hand on my thigh as we drove off towards his house.

"Please don't touch me..." I nicely requested, feeling slightly uncomfortable. If Finn had done this, I would've been ok, but it was Timothee and not Finn.

"C'mon Mills. Don't be such a bitch. I'm practically your husband so shut up and let me do what I want." Timothee said, as I removed his hand, only for him to put his hand back where it was.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. Me. I'm not your wife yet. We still have another 32 hours until the wedding so I suggest you get your hand off my thigh or I will pull out the gun I have in the bag in front of me." I threatened. Timothee must have seen the seriousness in my eyes as he back away, removing his hand from it's previous position.

Arriving at Timothee's parents house, Mary and John greeted the pair, apparently not knowing that Timothee wasn't the father of Millie's twins.

"Your father and I will be in the wine cellar if you need us." Mary spoke as she smiled at Timothee. Leaving the area, Timothee smiled as he attempted to grab Millie's hand as they walked inside the massive house. With a staff member closing the front door, Millie handed her stuff to the butler who waited for her to follow.

Before leaving the room, Millie turned around, ready to give Timothee a piece of her mind. "I think it's only fair that you should know my true know...since we will be husband and wife and all." Millie smirked, holding her stomach.

Letting Millie speak, Timothee smiled, awaiting the compliments that he expected would come.

"You're an egotistical jerk who sees me as your property, a trophy. But here's the thing. I'm only marrying you, because my father is forcing me to. If I had my way, I'd be living with the biological father of my children, my boyfriend, Finn. Me saying I do at the means nothing to me." She finished, leaving Timothee shocked. She walked upstairs and to her room, following the butler into her bridal suite. Getting ready for bed, Millie was dreading the next 24 hours that were soon on the way.

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