One- Clubbing

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I grew up without a mother. She died 5 minutes after I was born. When I turned 15, my dad got married to a woman named Nicole. With their wedding, I gained a brother, Tom. He is 2 years older than me. Unfortunately, being married, let alone in relation to my father meant that a target was on your back. Tom lost his mother and I lost my step-mother only a year after they got married. I have two friends. Sadie and Noah. Sadie and Noah are dating, which is cute.

My dad runs a drug business. Tom and I are co-heirs to his business as soon as I come of age, or my dad passes away. Tom and I promised that we wouldn't tell anyone that we know about our life. I'm supposed to be married to a guy named Timothee Chalamet. His parents are Mary and John Chalamet, Atlanta's richest residents. I've only known Timothy for 2 years. We have only kissed once.

I haven't seen my dad since he married Nicole. Since then, I've only communicated with him through text or call.

My mother died when I was 6 due to a rival gang shooting her. My dad never bothered to re-marry, since it would cause too much hassle. My dad is one of Atlanta's largest drug dealers, leader of The Wolves. Him and a guy named David Brown have been at each others throats for years.
"Hey dad, can I go out tonight?" Millie asked as her father answered her call.

"Aren't you supposed to be meeting Mr and Mrs Chalamet to discuss you upcoming wedding to Timothee in 1 year?" David asked, confused.

"They canceled last minute." Millie said in her British accent, hoping for a response that would be rare.

"Fine. Go out. I don't give a fuck." David said before he hung up abruptly.

Millie giggled in happiness. Letting her go out and have fun was something that David rarely allowed.

She placed her phone down before running over to her massive closet. On her bed laid a full lace, black corset crop-top that zipped up in the back. It was one of the many corsets she owned. She went back and looked some more. Finding some cute light blue jeans, she chucked them on her bed, looking at her nearly complete outfit. was the one thing she was missing. She chucked a pair of Dior blush heels onto her bed, now having full outfit ready to be put on.

"And where do you think your going Mills?" Tom spoke in his British accent, walking into her room as she placed her heels.

"Dad let me leave for the night. I think I might go clubbing..." She spoke, adjusting her corset, rightly earning a sigh from Tom.

"How are you gonna get in? You have to be at least 19 to get in Millie." Tom said before Millie pulled out a card.

"Fake ID, idiot." She spoke, flashing the card in his face. She did her hair and makeup and Tom tried to stop her.

"Are you telling me that you've been using a fake ID to get into clubs since you turned 18, 6 months ago?" Tom said, shocked.

"No. I've been using it since I turned 17..." Millie said as she left her room, leaving Tom to groan in disgust.

"How would your dad feel if you were illegally going to clubs looking like a stripper?" Tom said, trying to guilt me into staying.

"He wouldn't care...since I haven't seen him in 2 years." Millie spoke, sarcastically smiling.

"You better be home by 11pm!" Tom shouted from the stairs.

"Fuck off Tom." Millie spoke as the front door shut behind her.

"Where to miss Brown?" Steve spoke as he looked at Millie from the front seat.

"Club Euphoric..." Millie spoke as Steve nodded.

After 15 minutes, she exited the car, looking up at the giant club. Walking up to the bouncer, she smiled.

"ID." The man spoke, having seen Millie many times, but still requesting for an ID. Millie thought that since she was kind of a regular, he wouldn't care, but she was wrong. She showed her ID to the man before putting it away. The velvet rope was pulled aside and she walked though the front entrance, being greeted by the smell of sweat, cologne, and alcohol, three things she had gotten used to by now.

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