[Xiao x Lumine] Sound of Downpour

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Between cries and laughter, the difference is barely distinguishable. Emotions in the form of voices gliding through the air and enters his hearing relentlessly. Millions, if not more, pass through his mind and nearly dull his senses, never stopping coming altogether, giving him no time to have a second peace. Never once he felt something called silence.

"Lurking in the darkness that way, what are you trying to achieve? You better show yourself while you still have the chance."

Xiao's gaze moves from the city to the rustling bushes not far from where he is standing. Lumine's head pops out with an awkward smile as Paimon is already mumbling nonsense. The mighty being doesn't show any kind of remorse despite being indirectly disrespected. Or rather, he seems like he could care less.

"Isn't it too late for you to be awake?"
"I can't sleep for some reason." Lumine stands next to him, follows his gaze at the illuminating city. "What about you?"
"Mortal activities bring no effect to an Immortal."

Lumine hums as a response and lets the silence take over. In between, her eyes will shift from the city to him, watching his side profile to look for any change in his usually monotone expression. The way he crossed his arms on his chest and the way his eyelash fluttered from the wind brings strange comfort. His existence under the vast sky feels distant and unapproachable, despite there is barely a meter space between them.

"Liyue somehow feels busier than usual." Her attention moves to the distance where some folks are working despite the late hour. "I heard a festival is soon to be held."
"It's that time of the year again, I see." Lumine gives him a questioning look, but before Paimon has the chance to say anything, he already averts his gaze. "You will find out if you ask around."
"Xiao-sama won't tell himself?" Paimon asks anyway, but Lumine somehow can see something in those golden pupils, so she wordlessly stops Paimon from saying anything further.
"It is late. You should retire for today."

Lumine nods and bids her goodbye. Truth to be told, she wants to have a few more words with the Adepti. If not because of the blunt distance he puts between them, she will take the chance to understand him better. But it can wait for later. For now, it's best not to invoke his displeasure.

For days, Xiao hasn't moved from his spot at Mount Tianheng. Changing days barely noticeable for his immortal self. The exchange of the sun and the moon, the alteration between dawn and sunset, from blazing hot noon to the cold night, his eyes remain to where Liyue is having its life. Above his head, the moon is almost reaching its full shape. The preparation of the upcoming festival Lumine mentioned days before has reached the final stage.

Is he waiting for the event?

No, not particularly. He must say, he is not too fond of the mortal activity of dumping glowing garbage to the sea, as he called it.

"Xiao-sama, you're still here!"

Xiao doesn't turn when hearing that high pitch voice coming from behind, from a certain creature flying around a certain human girl. The light footsteps coming closer is loud enough for him to notice the appearance of the duo.

At the same time, the cloud gathers around them, hiding the stars as droplets of rain falling to the ground. From this high point, thunderclaps are clearly heard and seen. Lumine jolts from shock as Paimon covers her ears from the loud struck.

"Most mortals are afraid of thunder." His voice is clear enough despite the downpour. "Though I do not understand it, it seems to be a common thing."

Despite saying so, the wind swirling around them, blast away the droplets of water from wetting their beings. Or to be exact, from wetting Lumine's body.

"Why are you here again this late?"

Lumine doesn't give an immediate answer. The rain got heavier, yet not a single drop reached her body thanks to his wind. The small gesture, in a way, makes her smile a bit. Despite his title and fame, he is as gentle as she always thought him to be.

"I was hoping we could meet somewhere with a view of the Mingxiao lantern."
He glances briefly. "There should be a better option to do so with you."
"I believe you are the best option available."
He is silent for a moment. "It's an amusing thing you just said."
"Is that a yes?"
"I cannot be near a crowd of people."
"Here is fine. You seem to like it here."
Xiao raises his head to look up the cloudy sky. "Like or not is not my concern."

But here, the sound of downpour lowers those screams and cries he keeps hearing eternally.


Sound of Downpour - Genshin Impact Drabble CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now