Chapter 2

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"Like on a date? Are you in love with me Sara Jackson?" she said while acting intrigued.

"Ha-ha, very funny, did you have a clown for breakfast and not tell me about it?" I replied sarcastically, trying to hide the fact that what she said was right. Vanessa laughed and I followed her.

While eating my French toast I began to think about our friendship. Our friendship is quite peculiar; we see insults as a gesture of affection and constantly talk with irony, but we are always honest with each other. We have, without a doubt, the purest friendship there exists. I know Vanessa better than the palm of my hand, and if I'm honest, I wouldn't change a thing about her, I love every inch of her. From her way of ignoring everyone when she's angry, to how she's there for you even when she's at her worst. I love when her laugh reaches my ears, it is the sweetest sound in the world, although most of the time I don't even notice the sound of her laugh but rather her beautiful smile and those beautiful dimples that she has. However, just thinking of her being more than just my best friend makes me nervous. It's so weird how love works, why did I have to fall in love with my best friend and not with my neighbor or a friend from school? There was clearly something about her that stood out to me, unlike other people. She appears to be the typical 17-year-old girl; brown eyes, dark hair, average height. The thing is, she has such a unique personality that I just – wow.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"For what?" I answered confused.

"To kidnap the president!" she said sarcastically, "what else do you think silly? Our date..."

"Ohhh right. Well, 1. it's not a date, and 2. I thought we could go out at night you know?"

"Why do something at night when you can do it now?" she said as she took the last sip of her lemonade. She then asked for the bill, paid, took me by the hand, and led me out of the restaurant.

The fact that Vanessa got excited about the "date" and held my hand made me feel butterflies in my belly. Vanessa took me to the skate park where we first met and then she sat on the edge of the track.

"Come on, here," she said, beckoning me to sit next to her.

She looked me in the eyes and we stayed like that for a long time.

"What?" I said, breaking the silence.

"Nothing, just that I'm very grateful to have you as my best friend," she said smiling.

Ouch, I rolled right into the friend zone. Well, you always have to see the positive side of life, at least she felt good about having me in her life.

"Remember the first time we met?" She asked, moving her feet in the air.

"How could I forget? I had just bought my first skateboard, and I came to skate right here," I said, pointing to the skate park in front of us. "Then I saw a little girl crying because her skateboard broke. I went up to her and told her she could use my skateboard whenever she wanted."

"I wonder who that girl was, she seems to be beautiful and very good at skateboarding," Vanessa said as she put her arm around me.

I love when Vanessa talks about herself like she's someone else, it's funny and cute.

"And bad at math, dancing, swimming, catching hints," I said, playing along.

I knew it wasn't the best time to tell her how I really felt, but I knew that if I didn't, I would regret it later. In the end, it was better to have a no for an answer than to live the rest of my life wondering what would have happened if I told her I liked her.

So then, without thinking, I said, "I like you, Vane, I really do."

Vanessa changed her face to one I had never seen before, and although I noticed she wanted to say something, no words were coming out of her mouth.

So then I added, "I think you are fabulous. You are definitely the most amazing and extraordinary person I have ever met. My day gets better just by seeing you smile and not to mention the pair of eyes that you hide behind those glasses, they enchanted me the first time we met. We have been best friends since we were kids, but I can't keep seeing you as a fri–" Then, Vanessa leaned towards me, and interrupting the speech of the year, she kissed me.

"I like you too," she said as she ran her hand over my cheek. She looked into my eyes for a few seconds and said, "I always have." 

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