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At Home

"Im home!"  I shout no one answer

"Hello?" no one answer

"Yah! did they just.. left.. al.. ready?" I ask myself

"No" someone said, creeply.

"No reaction?"

"Try to scared me, really" I ask Ms. Cass


"Sorry" I said

"Hmm, anyways change now their waiting for you" Ms. Cass said. I just nodded

"Ahmm.. Ms. Cass is Woojin..?" i ask

"I don't know if he's there already" Ms. Cass said

"Okay thanks" I go to my room


As i finish, i walk downstairs when something capture my attention i walk slowly to the kitchen.

"Is that Ms. Cass and Mr. Seo?!" i shout-whisper

"Are they?!" i ask myself

"Well im happy for them" i said then  chuckle. i quietly walk near at the door

"Im leaving Ms.Cass Goodbye"

I took out my phone and call Woojin.


"Sorry Y/n this is Lee know"

"Where is he?" i ask

"At the restroom"

"Can you tell him He needs to pick me before-"

"Who's that?" i heard Woojin's voice

"Your cousin" i heard Lee know

"You should gave me 'my phone' " Woojin said

"Ahhh right sorry"

"So what's that?" Woojin ask

"Pick me up before i become statue here" i said

"Where are you?"


After a minute Woojin pick me. We went to the resturant. We saw Mom seating while Father is talking to some business man. We come near to Mom.

"Are we late?" Woojin ask mom

"No, just on time" Mom said

"Excuse me" i heard someone from behind me

"Yes, Beom-seok?" Woojin ask

"Ms. Y/n your dad call you" Beom-Seok said

"Why?" My mom ask

"It's okay Mom, Im coming" i said then smile at them.

As i walk far from them my smile faded.

"There She is" I heard Dad

"This is my daughter, Kim Y/n" My dad introduce me

"She's beautiful" One of the Business Man said

"The dress fit to her so well" A dirty compliment

"Y/n" Father whisper

"Thank you" I smile Fakely

"Hi Mr.Kim" Someone greet my father

"Oww nice to see you Mr. Lee" Father greet him back

"This is my son Jaehyeong" Mr. Lee said

"Hello" The Jaehyeong guy greeted

"Mr. Kim i have a gift for you" Mr. Lee sign


"Let's go"

"Jaehyeong Y/n you two stay here" Mr.Lee said

"Take care of Y/n" Father added. They left with beom-seok

"Im not a baby" i let him to hear it

"So Y/n, i heard you have a lot of businesses" He started. i ignore him

"Other than cars and clothes, you look so gorgeous" I don't know if that is what a good or bad compliment

"what else your family's business?" He ask

"Find out by yourself" I said as i drink a wine

"Anyway we have a hospital and hotel's" He said


"If your interested to try our room you can try it with me" He added.

"Did you use drugs?" I laugh

"Yes, i do" He's confidently answer


"She's not one of our products" someone said

"Woojin-ssi" I call

"Stop talking to her if you want this" Woojins said then took out a 1 bag of drugs

"You okay?" Woojin ask worry

"Im fine" i answered politely

"And How the hell you have that drugs?" i Exclaimed


"do you?!... use?! woojin-ssi!" I shout enough for us to hear.

"Yah! I do not" Woojin said as he hit my shoulder.

"I'll will punish you if mom hear us" He hit me once again

"It hurts" I said then kick his leg. i saw he smile

"What you two talking about?" We heard our father voice our smile faded

"Nothing" i lied

"Where's Jaehyeong?" Father ask

"He left already because one our partner want to talk to him" Mr. Lee said

"Ohh i see"


Lee Jaehyeong from the band The Rose..... Sorry🤭

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