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Next day

The next day came. Last night when the group arrived home, they just ate dinner and got ready for bed. The four girls all slept peacefully.

Right now, Luna was in class. Yes, she still has school. She's a senior high school student about to graduate and become a college freshmen.

The past week it had been very stressful for Luna. She had to balance her two careers and of course her classes. Like I said, Luna is a book writer so she's working a new book that will be published when they made their comeback.

After about an hour, Luna's class finished and she started on her school work so she doesn't have to stress about it later.

Luckily she got the lesson easily and managed to finish her homework quicker than she expected. Once she was allowed to leave class, she went to the van that was going to pick her up and she headed towards Pledis Entertainmant.

30 minutes later ~

Luna has finally arrived at the company and went inside the building. She was greeted by the staff and she greeted them back.

The young girl hurriedly made her way to the elevator since she was a little late for their meeting she informed to her group members yesterday.

The elevator stopped and she arrived at the 5th floor. She exited the elevator and wandered around the hallways, looking for the room she had to enter.

When Luna found it, she gave a knock before walking inside. "Ah Luna, there you are" a voice of a man said to the girl while she walked inside and close the door.

"Sorry Bang PD, I had class this morning" Luna said to the executive producer of BigHit Entertainment, Bang Si Hyuk.

"It's alright Luna. Take a seat so we can start on this meeting" the man assured the girl and Luna took a seat beside Kira.

"Do you girls have an idea on why I held this meeting with the executive producer as well?" Bang PD asked the girl group.

The four girls looked at each other clueless. "We don't know Bang PD. Miss Yana didn't tell me anything about this meeting besides the date it was going to be held" Luna replied softly.

"Well, I have good news for you four" Bang PD started saying and took a seat. Moonlight looked at the executive producer in surprise.

"Is it about our comeback?" Krystal asked the man and he shook his head no. "The title track of our album?" Mina asked and got the same response.

"Is it about the survival show that will be occurring this year?" Kira asked and Bang PD smiled. "Exactly. This is about I-LAND" Bang PD told the girls.

"Does the show have something in relation with us?" Luna asked the man. She had a close relationship with Bang PD since she wad BigHit trainee first before debuting in Pledis Entertainment.

"As I said I had good news. Shall I tell you guys the news?" Bang PD asked them and the girls nodded eagerly.

"Well, the first news is for 루나씨" Bang PD started saying while looking at the maknae leader. "Yes Bang PD?" Luna asked him kind of scared.

"Congratulations, you'll be one of the judges for the show!" Bang PD and the staff inside clapped for her. Luna was shocked but she was brought into a hug by the other members.

"Is this for real?" Luna asked like she was dreaming. Bang PD nodded at the girl. "Thank you so much!" Luna said out of gratitude.

"Also, your book will be released very soon" Bang PD said to the girl and Luna nodded. "Yes, it will" Luna replied.

Bang PD nodded and started saying the next good news to the other members. First up was Mina, she was said to be a vocal coach that will help the trainees.

Krystal was next, she'll be in charge of the songs that will be used for every test in the survival show. Last one was for Kira.

The second youngest will be in charge of the choreography and she'll be helping the choreography team.

Every member had their own role in the survival show. None of them expected that they would be part of I-LAND.

All they felt right now was happiness. Words can't express how happy they are to hear the news.

This was only the start of their journey...

- 끝 -

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