Morning of

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(Hey ok so im writing this in science class because it's dumb and I hate it. So uh yeah you may continue with the story.)

Amity POV
I sat looking out the window of room at the rising sun and vast landscape and trees that surrounded the area. "Last day of being free form the coven system." I let out a sigh. I knew the coven was evil and had bad intentions I knew I was like some kinda villain for joining it despite that but what else could I do. Then there was a knocker my door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and my dad walked in. I looked at him and put on a smile. "Hello father, how are you?" I asked. "Oh I'm doing fine, but you look quite tired." He said sweetly. "Oh uhh yes I woke up vary early in the morning." That was a lie I haven't gotten sleep in days I have been to worried about joining the coven. Dad looked at me with concern but nodded. "Just make sure you look nice for your party tonight." He advised and walked out of the room. I just smiled until I heard the door shut. My face dropped and I went back to the window.

As I stared outside I started to think about Luz. Not the new one most people around the Isles were familiar with, not the one that terrorized and killed emperor's coven members that tried to take her to the emperor himself. And then was claimed a hero. But the one that loved me and cared for me the one that I loved, when we were 14. I smiled remembering that Luz. I wondered how different she must be now. I wonder if she tried not to step on bugs when she walked, or if she still made stupid jokes even when in a bad situation. Or if she still read the Azura books and thought about me like I did her.

Then I remembered when she left me. When she stoped going to school when she cut off connection with everyone. And that is when the only light in my life disappeared. So fuck her she left me all alone with them with these monsters.

I let out a sigh and went to go get ready for the day knowing my party would start in around 8 hours. And after that i would officially be in the emperors coven and my parent would be proud of me more then they were Edric and Emira. For once I would be there pride and joy, I would finally be enough, I would be there perfect daughter.

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