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It was the next day and Namjoon was sitting in the garden, looking at pretty flowers

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It was the next day and Namjoon was sitting in the garden, looking at pretty flowers. He then went inside the greenhouse where his bonsais were. He gently sprayed water on the little trees with so much care because they were his little babies. (🥺)

He's been out here for about an hour tending to his plants. He loved gardening. People assumed that he just stayed inside all day reading and doing nothing. Even though that was partially true, he loved gardening more than reading. He would even read in the garden.

Being in the garden takes him away from the annoying world we live in. Outside, he's cold, but inside he's an extremely sweet guy.

He didn't know if anyone was up at this early morning. He just wants to enjoy the peace for a little while longer.

He went back outside when he was done with his indoor plants. He started watering again when he heard the backdoor open behind him. It was Jin coming out with a silver tray with some snacks that were covered with wrap. Probably so the bugs don't get in them.

"Morning, Joon. I saw you've been out here for a while, so I got you some food. I figured you were being you're usual self and skipping your meals." Jin said setting the tray on a wooden table.

"Thanks, hyung. I was getting a little hungry." Namjoon said putting his water bucket down and taking off his gloves and going to the table.

"No problem." Jin said sitting at the table with Namjoon and taking off the cover.

"You know, Joon. I've noticed something recently." Jin started.

"And what's that?" Namjoon asked.

"You've just been off, I don't know what it is." Jin said.

"That makes no since hyung." Namjoon rolled his eyes and started eating.

"YAH! Don't roll your eyes at me! Aish! When did you become so naughty!" Jin exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

"Hyung, this comes with the puberty package. You'll have to get used to it." Namjoon said with his mouth full.

Jin pouted and started eating as well.

"Actually hyung. I.. I wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind for some time." Namjoon said nervously.

"K. What is it?"

"It's Jimin. Ever since he came here, I found something to look forward to whenever I wake up in the morning. I'm not a professional at this so I thought you might know." Namjoon said.

"Hmm. So... do you think you might actually like Jimin. You feel those tingles whenever he touches you or is near you?" Jin questions.

"Me liking Jimin? No way. It wouldn't work out, I'm engaged, and dad wouldn't like that." Joon told firmly.

"Who gives a shit what dad says these days? And does Jennie even want this marriage?" Jin asked.

"Actually, we talked about it on our date and she's in love with someone else." Joon explained.

"Perfect! Then why don't you two get a divorce when you get married for a while? Or you guys could just date anyway. You didn't have consent for this marriage anyway. Point is, you like Jimin. Date him." Jin demanded.

"Yeah. You're actually right hyung."

"I'm always right." Jin flips his short hair, which was actually getting longer.

"Thanks hyung. I'm gonna ask him out, soon." Namjoon said. He was determined to this. He just found out now he really likes Jimin, so he's gonna do something about it.

"That's my bro! Good luck, Joon. Now I'm gonna go to Jungkook, who knows how whiny he'll get when he realizes I'm not there." Jin said, quickly going back inside.

Namjoon was left in his thoughts.

He was going to ask Jimin on a date.


I'm excited for BangBangCon ☺️💞👏🏽

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